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RE: Mis aventuras por Minecraft | My minecraft adventures

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

If you're someone not that familiar with computers, installing Minecraft can become quite annoying, so I recommend always watching YouTube videos when this happens to you again. The topic of mods is completely separate so I wouldn't recommend you to play too much there haha.

If you haven't played Minecraft for years, trust me, it's a completely different game, even the textures are completely different from a few years ago. I'm someone who has been playing since 1.5.2 and it brings me quite nostalgic to think that horses didn't even exist before, although I'm talking about 9 years ago now.... XD

BTW: Remember Hive is a social network too, so I'd recommend engaging more with users, taking the time to read posts from others is as important as creating original/quality content.


thanks for your comment xD if it cost me a lot to install it hahahaha and wow you are from the old school of minecraft xD if it looks quite changed

Thanks I will take it into account, I am still adapting to all this hive