Valheim Is Fun

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Valheim is the new minecraft-genre game hitting PC gamers with a storm. Its beautiful environments, the pretty good building mechanism, the different environments and the fun ennemy battles are what makes this game a must-try even for the casual gamer.


This is a pretty big part of the game. Building a shack, making it your home. And from there you can go as crazy as you want. On our private server, playing with 3 of my friends, we first built a house for each player. But with time we found it was easier to build a bigger house for us four. And the more we played the better we got at it. The last house we build we each had our tasks. One is to dig up rocks, the other one was chopping wood, while the two others were putting up walls and the roof.

Life of the country

But that's just our main spot. The rest of the world is still to explore. And when you explore, you start with a small shack. That you probably built when it was already too late. Harvesting wood in the dark night is dangerous. Yet you do it.

To be continued...


If you're just starting out you have a great journey ahead of you. Doubt it though if that's your screenshot and you have the Megingjord. The journey has already gone for a while!

Yes I'm around 10-15 hours in. It's very fun!

You are welcome to join us on the Hive Server I created for Valheim

The log in information for the server is:
Password: valheim

Thanks for the invite. I might take a look!

There is an official hive server for valheim, come play with us!!!