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RE: My Top 5 Played Games On Steam and Why You Should Try Them

C2077 is a rather faithful adaptation of Cyberpunk 2020, a tabletop RPG system that was first published in the late 80s. The video game not only recreates its fictional setting without any major changes but also major characters and important plot points. Mind you, this is not meant to be criticism, because it takes a really talented and dedicated team to successfully adapt a tabletop system to a different medium of video games. Despite its flaws, Cyberpunk 2077 and its makers deserve at least some recognition. Still, the CDP Red didn't make anything from scratch, but a similar thing can be said about the makers of C2020 who took a lot from William Gibson's cyberpunk novels and short stories.

 last year  

Holy crap I did not know that! Looking it it too it seems that the fourth edition of it is supposed to be a prequel to 2077!

I didn't know the Cyberpunk 2020, a tabletop RPG either, thank you very much for sharing. As a tabletop game lover, I'm ashamed... I will definitely check this out. 😮😯😮

Glad to help! If you own the GOG version, you can download the tabletop manual for free.