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RE: The very first game you ever bought?

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

wow, i didn't expect a response to be a game that was actually pre my era. A friend of mine had a C64 but it operated off 5 inch floppies. It was frustratingly slow to load and if I remember correctly, very expensive. He didn't have the cassette add on, was that meant to be faster?


I had Outrun for the C64 too but on disk. Technically the C64 came out a little before the NES, but they largely overlapped. I believe Outrun was released for the C64 in 1988. I think Karate Champ was released for the NES in 1986.

you are probably correct about this. Without consulting the internet I remember that me and my youth gaming pal were playing Sega Genesis, NES, and C64 all at the same time so this makes timeline sense.

Haha, no the cassette was slower :) Found a video of it,

almost 5 min to load outrun! But I must say I have fond memories of the conversations with friends while hanging around waiting for games to load.