Hive Gaming Community - Worst Gaming Experience (Or Am I Just Bad?)

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

Hello Hivegaming community!
This my entry for the newest Hive Gaming Community Contest that has been started by @hivegc beeing described in This Post.


I have been playing games for almost 25 years now. Exclusively on PC because I am completely unable to properly use a controller outside of racing games. No idea how people can play shooter games on consoles. But nevermind, today, the topic is:

My Worst Gaming Experience

Out of all those games I have played I decided to pick two who either let me rage quit a lot or simply were that unenjoyable that I refunded them. And since I am quite picky and usually stick to the games I purchase there are really those two who stand out. In a negative way though.

This is MY personal experince and does not imply that the games are actually bad.

You Have Died


Yes, good old Dark Souls. Some people love it, others hate it. And I am definetly the latter one.
I do not think it is a bad game per se. And I also do not think that I am a bad gamer. Not a pro, but not bad either.
BUT THIS GAME... let me quit faster than a rusty nail in my knee caps.

Nice graphics, okay-ish story and actually really cool look and feel. But damn, those boss fights and the perma "YOU HAVE DIED" fade in was too much for me. I did not even feel challanged, it was more like a "Yeah, Fu*k You" scenario all over again. I often felt like "Yeah, I just died because of reasons"
Not my type of game. Actually the first and only game I ever refunded on Steam.

Some advised to use a controler instead of mouse and keyboard. Yeah.... no. As mentioned above, this is for me like the paralympics in gaming. I just can't ...

A Love-Hate Releationship

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First, I have to admit, I've played the game about 900h already. So it may seem to be a bit unfair to list it here. But it is not and I will tell you why.

Our little gamer "clan" started playing PUBG in the first week of its early access release. The hype was real. We played literaly every night several hours as a 4 man squad. Got many chicken dinners and had a really good time.
The game's performance was bad. The bugs were plentyfull. But it was something new, easy to learn but hard to master.

Then came the hacker invasion...
PUBG went from our favourite game to hackers paradise within like two weeks. Even Bluehole had to admit that the struggle is real and they need to focus more on fighting bots and hacks.

But all we got were fancy loot crates containing even more fancy T-Shirts. As a game dev myself somewhat understandable but from a players perspective it was like spitting in our face. "Yeah, we know beeing killed by cheaters almost every game sucks, but hey, here some loot crates you can buy for €€€."

The hype stopped, and our clan moved to other games.
We retried it a few weeks ago, just to learn that the devs decided to fill up empty game slots with Bots that probably have the worst AI you have ever seen. Free kills though, but not remotely entertaining.
Hackers are less but still present. Only the ingame shop grew in quantity and prize.
A really sad end after a steep popularity gain.


Two really popular games in my worst experience post.
Have you played those titles? If so, how was your experience with it?
And most important: Did you play Dark Souls with a controller? :D
Let us know in the comments below.

 4 years ago  

I don't have a pc with the specifications to run Dark Souls, so I tried it a bit at a friend's house, I don't know if it's going to be my case but it feels like a sooo hard game, someday I have to give it a try and try to finish it.

Regarding PUBG, I got to play it for PUBG Lite, and I have not found hackers at the moment but the bots are still sad, they are very obvious and there are too many, easily about 40 bots per game and their AI is still a disaster. However, there are always the pros that leave me #2 in each game.

Very good post!

 4 years ago  

Phew... 40 bots is tough. First we thought that those players are really really bad, but then we read the news :D
Good luck with dark souls :)

Shotters games are better to play on a PC anyways.
I can relate with the things you said about Dark Souls, I don´t feel it´s a bad game but it´s difficulty is very artificial, I don´t feel it´s a thing of whenever you are good or a bad player when you play that game tho.

At least it looked cool! hahahaha Good Post!