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RE: This Is What Century: Age of Ashes Needs To Thrive

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

That dragon-riding looks fantastically bad-ass!

But there is no story to it. This game is a multiplayer battle game, which is of course very good on its own (some people put hundreds of hours into playing it), but the developers could have been added some kind of singleplayer story too. Even if only a short. But they did not. And this is somewhat disappointing. Maybe they will create a prequel later. With this graphics, even a short (1-2 hours) singleplayer story would be a great experience. Like a movie.

 2 years ago  

Story is always a good thing. Sometimes with video games it can feel like gameplay is the most important but I can understand the appeal of a truly engaging story, it adds depth. Although I must admit if a game's fun enough to play, I'll probably forgive the story if it's not great ... but a completely garbage storyline might deter me from playing. A competitive multiplayer with dragons flying around and firing at each other is just cool enough for me to maybe overlook the story. It kind of reminds me of that game from Harry Potter with broomsticks but with dragons which is awesome.