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RE: PS5 purchase: It is gonna be a while for us in Vietnam

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Since moving from consoles in my youth to upgradable PCs as my platform of choice, I have gotten off that bandwagon. Sure it takes a little knowhow to upgrade and support your hardware when that is not needed in the console world. They are good for the kids because I don't have to do much to keep them working but I don't even play them.

That being said, I have friends who still spend their disposable income on consoles. One in particular (@parabyte) is always up to the latest console and bought 3 of these before Christmas. When they were launched, he ordered them from 3 different places at $700 each expecting them not to be in stock, or have 1 arrive and cancel the other 3. Then the price madness started with people reselling them privately.

Still, I wouldn't even pay $700 for one of these let alone $2100 for 3. He decided to keep them all, use 1, and resell the other 2 for a very modest margin to friends. He loves it obviously being a CCF (Console Collecting Fruit© a title I made up to poke fun at my friends who are console gamers ;)

I think you are wise to hold on to your PS4 for now with so many games to be played still. Time will either lower the prices to a reasonable level or you will be able to by the next big thing after PS5.

Keep gaming so we can stay young!


Yeah, those CCF people are a "unique" breed, that is for sure. So I guess just because has 399 as the price doesn't mean that they necessarily have the thing. Ok, well that changes my perspective a bit :)

For sure.

My friend ordered it from Shopper's Drug Mart first thinking this was a very unlikely place to have any actual stock. It was the first one to arrive!

Kinda like the newer video cards I was scoping out today. An Invidia 3060 SHOULD be $5something Canadian but that doesn't mean you will find one in stock.

Either way, the longer you and I wait for our toys, the less we will pay! At least that's what I tell myself when I am frustrated at not having it NOW! ;)

yeah, i am not an early adopter of technology anyway. I remember a friend of mine, who by the way now really struggles with money was showing off his $1500 PHONE in public one day and this might have been one of the biggest SMH moments in my life. It's not like this guy was the CEO of a company or anything it was just a dumb purchase. That same phone can probably be picked up for $100 today.