Eating out with Pappa @ local restaurant in Peshawar

in Eating Outlast month

The reason I am a foodie is because of my Father; it's in our blood. I remember that when we were growing up, my brothers and I, along with my Father, used to hunt down new restaurants together. In fact, I went out to eat more often with my Family than with my friends. We are famous in our community and among our relatives for this. All this came to my mind because I am about to share my latest experience of eating out with my Father when we were in Peshawar.





Just across the community place on the main G.T. Road, there are a couple of local restaurants offering Chapli Kababs and much more. When in Peshawar, we all crave Chapli Kababs as it’s their specialty, and we don’t want to miss the opportunity of tasting those Chapli Kababs. There's no match to any restaurant in Karachi. I had already tasted Chapli Kababs at one of the restaurants with my cousins, so this time, I went to try out the Chapli Kababs at the other restaurant with my Father. We ordered one plate with Naans (bread). The taste was good, but in comparison to my first experience with my cousins, those were tastier and more delicious.


My Father wanted to get a takeaway for our family ladies who were at the community place so they could taste the Chapli Kababs as well. So, I took him to the other restaurant. We ordered 20 Kababs and one Sajji. My Mother really liked Sajji last time, so we decided to try it from this restaurant too.




Here is the big frying pan, as you can see in the pictures, which is used to fry the Chapli Kababs. They are deep-fried, crispy on the top, and soft inside. The real secret is in the mixture they make—beef and other ingredients—and their hand skills in shaping the Chapli Kababs, dipping them in egg or something similar to ensure they don’t break apart when deep-fried. This is such a talent.



Sajji is not originally from Peshawar; it is a famous dish of Balochistan, a different province in Pakistan, but it is popular all over Pakistan. As you can see in the picture, it is displayed attractively to draw in customers, and its taste is awesome. I saw how it is cooked for the first time: it is flattened and then grilled on charcoal, with spices and oil added while grilling. It was a nice experience watching them cook it live.



This man was so happy and smiling when I took his picture. There were several other dishes they were offering, but we were only interested in Chapli Kababs and Sajji. Another famous food item is Kabuli Pulao. It is originally from Afghanistan but enjoyed by many in Pakistan.




Naans are also displayed to attract customers, offering four different kinds with different shapes. The Tandoor here is not the same as the ones we are used to seeing in Karachi; it’s a bit different. I captured some pictures of the Tandoor as well.

Finally, our order was ready in 20 minutes, and we took it to the family. They enjoyed the food very much, especially my Mother, who liked the Sajji, while the others enjoyed the Chapli Kababs. It is always good to enjoy regional food when out of town. All the pictures were captured with my Father’s cell phone.


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It's always nice to have a good time with family, enjoy it to the fullest, I have more than 5 years that I do not see my dad and believe me and sad, but soon I will return home and hug my sisters, my dear father and for sure we will make a delicious meal greetings a hug from @theshot2414....✌️✌️✌️

I can feel the pain of not meeting your family for this long, the time spent with family is always precious and memorable. Hope you will get to see and meet your family asap and do enjoy your meal together

thank you for the love and support sahi

Typical food certainly taste unique and delicious. The princess of making it is done in a tradisional way. Like post. Thank you.

Thank you for reading my article and liking the food

wow that's so cool that your father loved hunting restaurants! I'm jealous haha I wish my dad was as interested in eating nice food as I am. My dad's the type that will eat anything and be like ah it's alright. Even if the food is more premium he can't seem to taste the difference lol. By the way what's that first dish. it looks like some sort of steak but crispy

hahaha dont be jealous, My Father is no more hunting restaurants, this is what we do now instead of him and he just loves watching his grown up kids eating food. that is Chapli Kabab which is deep fried in a big frying pan later in the pictures.

I see chapli kabab looks good. I love meat so can't really go wrong there lol. Well at least u got to enjoy it when you were younger the hunting restaurants. maybe sometimes u can bring him to hunt with u?

Yes, we do often go together to enjoy meal outside.

that's good :3. hows your week going so far.

its all good but too hot and really hard to survive the heat of the Sun

oh it really is warm nowadays. then better stay indoors with fan or ac :(