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RE: Eating out with Pappa @ local restaurant in Peshawar

in Eating Out23 days ago

wow that's so cool that your father loved hunting restaurants! I'm jealous haha I wish my dad was as interested in eating nice food as I am. My dad's the type that will eat anything and be like ah it's alright. Even if the food is more premium he can't seem to taste the difference lol. By the way what's that first dish. it looks like some sort of steak but crispy


hahaha dont be jealous, My Father is no more hunting restaurants, this is what we do now instead of him and he just loves watching his grown up kids eating food. that is Chapli Kabab which is deep fried in a big frying pan later in the pictures.

I see chapli kabab looks good. I love meat so can't really go wrong there lol. Well at least u got to enjoy it when you were younger the hunting restaurants. maybe sometimes u can bring him to hunt with u?

Yes, we do often go together to enjoy meal outside.

that's good :3. hows your week going so far.

its all good but too hot and really hard to survive the heat of the Sun

oh it really is warm nowadays. then better stay indoors with fan or ac :(