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RE: The garden, an ideal place to recycle. [ENG / SPA]

in HiveGarden7 months ago

It is curious when we see how others are given the plants better than us, but that is also another charm of gardening, exchanging information and tricks with other plant lovers, using this rubber as a pot is great I had seen it, but very few take the trouble to do a craft job to make it look aesthetic and decorative, we will see the results of all those plants that you planted around sure it will look great.

Es curioso cuando vemos como a otros se les dan las plantas mejor que a nosotros, pero ese también es otro encanto de la jardinería, el intercambiar información y trucos con otros amantes de las plantas, el utilizar este caucho como maceta es genial lo había visto, pero muy pocos se toman la molestia de hacer un trabajo artesanal para que se vea estético y decorativo, ya veremos los resultados de todas esas platas que sembraste alrededor seguro se vera genial.


I used to think that, but I kept trying and have had good results in my garden. It really doesn't take much work to make this design on the tire, it's just a matter of having the courage to do it. Thanks for stopping by @actioncats