A day in the garden - & berry metaphors

in HiveGardenlast month

A Day In The Garden




We had some awesome weather in the earlier half of today which, of course, I took maximum advantage of. I had both my breakfast coffee and lunch outdoors today for the first time this year. The temperature eventually dropped when the sun disappeared behind the very thick clouds, however, but I had a good stretch of blue skies so I was happy.









It was nice to see the plants making progress as well. There are flowers, sprouts and even tiny fruits starting to form. The strawberries are struggling a little, the ones I planted that is, but all others are thriving. The wild strawberries that the birds planted are once again outperforming my ones haha. Oh well.




The spring onions are doing remarkably well. I might eat some tomorrow. The tomatoes are struggling slightly. They'd spent time indoors in the early days but just moved them outdoors as per instructions. I like tomatoes so I hope they take. The last time I had success with tomatoes, I was harvesting about ten fruits a day from just a few plants.



Talking of the wild berries, they're so resilient. I've gone over them with the lawn mower several times but they keep coming back strong. They even compete favourably with other stubborn plants in the weed category. The ones I planted myself and pampered aren't thriving as well. It's sort of a metaphor for real life I think. People who are born into hardship and grow up with challenges often turn into much tougher adults that are able to weather the storms more than people born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

Peace & Love,



The plants look very healthy
Lovely pictures!

Thank you. I'm happy about their progress

Our gooseberries and coming. Fighting the brambles and other weeds is a constant battle. You've seen the size of my garden. There are parts I don't even check that often.

Oh I can imagine, it's a proper job in your giant garden.

Indeed its beautiful to see that plants are growing in a fine pattern. We are observing it's life !

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Thank you my friend.

Nature is capricious haha it grows when it is more difficult to grow instead of growing when you apply all the care, really curious and capricious, but I hope you have success with your plantations 👌

If we want to have a nice and relaxing day then we have to go to a beautiful place.