Advent Calendar for Gardeners / 園芸ファンのためのアドベントカレンダー

in HiveGarden5 months ago

Are you opening your Advent calendar? In Germany, it's a seasonal tradition around this time. This year, in addition to the classic chocolate Advent calendar, my daughter and I received a gardening-themed Advent calendar from my partner, so I thought I'd post about it on Hive Garden.

Some of you may know my daughter and I love plants, and that every spring and summer we turn our balcony into a jungle...

Seeing us, my partner gave us a seed Advent calendar. It's a product from a company in the city live in.

OwnGrown - Premium Saatgut & Zubehör zum selber Säen!

We've been opening envelopes with a seed bag every day. Here are the seeds we've got so far. On December 6th, St. Nicholas Day, a big seed bag for kids came out. It's an edible weed mix. My daughter liked the plants with big eyes drawn on the package and exclaimed 'kawaiiiiiii'.

Compared to last week when it snowed heavily, Germany has gotten a bit warmer, but it's still not the season for sowing seeds outside. However, the broccoli sprouts we got on December 1st can be planted indoors, so we sowed them.

According to the explanation on the package, sprouts will be ready in few days. I'm looking forward to topping our salads and eating them 🥗

Next month, I'll already choose and order seeds, and in the following month, I'll begin sowing seeds for summer vegetables like peppers, which take a long time to grow. I'm excited to the next gardening season already 😊

🌱 🌱 🌱

アドベントカレンダー、日々開けていますか?ドイツではこの時期の恒例行事です。今年は、チョコレートの定番アドベントカレンダーに加えて、園芸ファンのためのアドベントカレンダーをもらったのでHive Gardenに投稿しようと思います。



OwnGrown - Premium Saatgut & Zubehör zum selber Säen!



数日で芽が出て収穫できるとのこと。サラダにトッピングしてもりもり食べるのが楽しみです 😊



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いいボス 😁 カナダもドイツと同じくDIY大国な感じがしてきました。


Wow! You can also do it indoors! Nice!

It's a small garden in a glass but it's nice to have some growing green at home :)