My day as a community garden maintainer #02 / コミュニティガーデンのメンテナーの一日 #02

in HiveGarden10 months ago

With the recent consecutive days of rain, nature has been taking over my watering job. I'm a bit concerned about the tomatoes getting direct rain, but thanks for your help, nature!

Today, I bought 150cm stakes at the local home center and installed them at tomato containers. Parallel to staking, I also managed to deal with old leaves and weeds. If they don't seem to carry diseases, I simply spread them on the container as mulch. Long live shortcuts 😊

Last week I noticed that the bush beans were about ready for harvest soon, and today I got plenty. The herbs were also abundant, and the Italian black kale, Cavolo Nero, was as generous as always with its leaves 🙌 I cut some Zinnias too.

The large tomatoes will take a bit more time, unfortunately. The beefsteak tomatoes had black spots in the bottoms ... But other looks doing good. I will spread egg shells around tomato plants for calcium supply. I'm not sure it works instantly though.

While maintenance and harvesting, I started thinking about offering a minestrone-like soup with the harvested veggies at this week's market, as a form of promoting the community garden. It will be served donation based and the money will be used to buy bulbs and seeds for next year. Isn't it a good idea?

That was my day of maintenance and harvest. Happy gardening!

My day as a community garden maintainer series




先週水やりに行った時に、そろそろ収穫できそうだったインゲンがたくさんとれました。ハーブ類もわさわさ、毎度たくさん葉っぱをくれるイタリアの黒ケール Cavolo Nero も相変わらずでした。ありがとう。

大玉トマトはもう少し時間がかかりそうで、残念なことに、牛の心臓トマトはお尻が黒くなっていたものがあり、捨てなければないませんでした。くやしいやら情けないやら。助けて @suminyan10 さん!です!

かなり前に、たしか @go-kyo さんがこの症状に悩まされていて、カルシウムのスプレーか何かをされていたような・・・。コンポスト用に卵の殻をたくさん貯めているのでまいてみようかな。

中大玉トマトはまだですが、黄色いミニトマトはいくつか収穫できて、これ、一昨年や去年の経験からすると、来週は食べ切れないほどとれそうです 🍅 いずれにせよ、トマトっていいですね。今度全体像を写しますが、写真の一番右のわっさわさの黄色いミニトマトが私のお気に入りです。




 10 months ago (edited) 

I will spread egg shells around tomato plants for calcium supply. I'm not sure it works instantly though.

It won't work instantly. I have read that the eggshell powder should be placed in the ground. If you're using it in pots, then put a layer of soil in the pot, then the eggshell powder, then more soil and the seedling. I suppose the same principle should be applied outside as well.

Those black spots on the tomatoes are not looking good and are reason for concern.

Thank you for sharing the tip @erikah. So it might be for next year ;)
I wish the following ones grow successfully without the black bottom 🍅

 10 months ago  

You're welcome. Next year you can definitely use the eggshells to help your plants. I'm doing that too, collecting eggshells till then 😃
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The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!

Hi Hive.Pizza team 🍕 I am happy to read that my post has been curated by pizza lovers, who might love tomatoes like me 😁 I think about making pizza with yellow tomato sauce. I had it at one of my favorite restaurants in the city. I wish the photo below inspires you too:




住友化学園芸 肥料 トマトの尻腐れ予防スプレー 950ml トマト 肥料 カルシウム


悔しいですーー!まさかお尻がこんなになっているだなんて。そうなんです、いい形なんです。この不思議な形を手ですりすりしたいなと思って発見しました 😭



@go-kyo さん、@akipponn さん、呼んだ?(笑)




あー、、、今年のドイツのお天気もあるのかもしれません。20度前後でほぼ毎日雨降りなんですよ 😭 水やりの手間は減るものの、トマトの真上から水かけないでー!と願う日々です。幸いSuminyan10さんの診断通り、葉っぱと株自体は元気な見た目なんですよね。

このお天気、まだまだ続くようで、トマトサバイブしてほしいです 🍅