My two square meter garden log - Jul 2 2022 / 2㎡の庭の記録 2022年7月2日

in HiveGarden2 years ago


It's already July. Two months have past since I started working on this small balcony garden.

Plants are slowly slowly into production mode. Almost all the tomato plants have fruits on them, cucumber grows by some centimeters everyday. I found scarlet runner beans' flower buds from other side of the balcony.


I didn't expect much from newly bought soil but I notice my soil needs some more power. Even soil that is rocky and I didn't take care much is good bed for plants. Good things take time.

Currently I only compost coffee grounds and tea mostly as I don't have enough space but I'll think about adding some things such as banana skins, egg shells etc. I look forward to make experiments and seeing the improvement of the soil.


This week I had a chance to see a tomato plant I gave to my daughter. She offered her teacher our spare tomato plants to grow with other kids. One of them turns to be a jumbo tomato plant. I wonder how come it got that big!


The variety is called "Barry's Crazy Cherry". It's one of our favorite tomatoes. It makes tons of small yellow fruits. We take and keep seeds by ourselves.

Deaflora - Tomate Barrys Crazy Cherry

So I'm really happy to see my tomato plants are doing good at outside of our small balcony. Even if you have only a small space, you can spread your plants or ask others to share spaces.

That's my garden log of the week. It's one day earlier as tomorrow my daughter and I go out to help my friends raise money to make a forest for their kindergarten.

Happy gardening and nice weekend to all!












Hi @akipponn... I sometimes use the water I used for boiling potatoes,let it cool down to water the tomatoes...Also I often save eggshells that I wash, dry and ground and simply scatter them around the tomato plant. it will surely boost your potted ones. I do this every two weeks.

Potato water is a super idea! I regret that I flushed it away ... I'll keep boiled egg shells. Boiled eggs are my daughter's favorite 😁

Oh sorry, It´s a raw egg shell I was meaning, perhaps I made it not so clear. When you fried an egg, do not throw the shell, wash the inside of the shells to remove the egg white film that is clinging to it as this migh develop molds and attrack insects. Then, with a mortar and pestle or a blender, you can blend the shell to make a powder. Or you can simply crash the shells and distribute these to the plant.

Btw, you live in Germany? Do you speak German?

Your explanation was perfect. Just I felt lazy to wash the egg shell and thought about using those of boiled eggs 🥚
Yes yes, I'm in Germany. Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut. Aber ich kann Bücher über Garten und Brotbacken lesen 😁

Hallo @akipponn, das macht nichts wenn dein Deutsch nich perfect ist, es wird schon. Ich bin ursprünglich aus Manila und lebe seit 39 Jahren in Wien.

Ah so, du bist aus Manila. Ich hat in Linz gewohnen :)

Aw schön dass du in Linz gewohnt hast. Schön dich hier kennenzulernen. Ich lebe in Wien . Warst Du schon Mal in Wien?

 2 years ago  

Have you heard of bokashi compost bins? Could be useful in a small space?

Thank you for the good hint! Yes, it sounds like Japanese and I often hear about it. I watched through some videos about Bokashi and the way I make my compost is Bokashi-ish. I use wheat bran instead of rice bran here in Germany though. I will read more about Bokashi and happy to improve my compost and soil :)

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