My favorite spot at home

in HiveGarden2 months ago

My room is no longer my favorite place...


Hello garden enthusiasts! How are you all doing? I hope everything's going well with you. It's been about three weeks since I decided to start my own garden, and I'm really excited about continuing to develop what I've started. Even though I'm pretty new to gardening and don't have much experience, I'm learning as I go, applying what I know bit by bit. That's the fun part about gardening - it's not just about planting; it's also about learning. Like everyone else, I'm starting my garden from scratch, slowly building it up in my own style.

After the incident with the fallen tree a while back that sadly killed two of my Butternut squash plants, things in the garden are back to normal now. Other plants are still growing, and some broken stems have sprouted new shoots, forming new branches.


That incident didn't dampen my gardening spirit; if anything, it fueled my enthusiasm to breathe more life into my little plot of land. I'm doing my best to make the most of what I've got.

Now, I've got three planting beds that were initially meant for tomatoes and eggplants, but something interesting happened during the fertilizing process. A few months ago, I made some organic fertilizer from kitchen scraps (vegetables and fruit peels), and when all the waste had decomposed, I spread it on the planting beds as soil enricher. Unbeknownst to me, there were watermelon seeds in the fertilizer that didn't rot, even though the rest of the waste decomposed. A few days after fertilizing, watermelon seeds started sprouting in the planting beds. Instead of removing them, I decided to let them grow.



Gradually, a few days ago, I also added some polybags to my garden where I'll plant the cabbage seedlings that have already sprouted. I'll wait a bit longer until they're ready to be transferred into the polybags.



This garden is the best spot in my house right now. I spend a lot of time here, either playing with my kittens or tending to the plants. Watching the green leaves swaying in the breeze outside is so pleasant, and the kittens are just as excited, running around and playing here.




I'm also delighted to see that my garden has started to attract some visitors like ladybugs, butterflies, dragonflies, and one insect whose name I don't know. Seeing them here means I should be prepared for some other uninvited guests (pests) too..

When you have a garden, you know there will always be small challenges that interfere with what you're nurturing. So far, I haven't seen anything threatening my garden, except maybe for the kittens that love to run over the seedlings I've planted :')





I'm happy to share my joy with you all. I hope you're finding happiness in what you have too. There's still so much I want to do in this little garden of mine. Hope you don't get bored with my stories. See you in my next post!


Thank you for taking your time to read and support my blog! I would love to see you in my next post. Stay safe!



How wonderful! I congratulate you for not losing your faith and putting all your efforts to continue with your garden.