Spring O´clock on the farm

in HiveGardenlast year

This is my entry for the March Garden Journal Challenge. thank you so much @riverflows !
I´d like to invite @vincentnijman and @oniemaniego to join !


weather sets the pace when it comes to what we can or can not do as March arrives. nights are still fairly cold with frosty mornings, while during the day, we often work in a T-shirt as long as the winds do not blow too much.
locally, on our farm, we do not plant out anything before May 1st.(!) we know better by now. yet, there are endless jobs happening regardless in preparation for spring. it has been fairly dry recently and we even had to punctually water some trees and the nursery. praying for this rain over the weekend to materialize..!

Olive pruning is in full swing and is very time consuming.

Just over 90 of them to go ; )

with every olive tree pruned, our firewood pile gets bigger. we average about a wheelbarrow per tree.

you can read more about our pruning operations and olive oil making in this post:


Last trees for the season are being planted even though conditions are far from ideal. the roots are being soaked in mycorrhiza solution before planting. the simbiosis with about 20 different types of fungi (non fruiting) helps trees with the uptake of minerals and water and greatly improves chances of survival. we use it because it is fairly late in the season for a tree to actually be able to establish a significant root system before our hot dry summer sets in, and also, because we happen to have it on hand.


the only way to protect a newly planted seedlings from the wild boars is placing a tyre around it as its smell repels them.

a section of a terrace that collapsed due to wild bore activity and awaits fixing.

another section that was fixed yesterday. my back begs for a good massage.



Potatoes are being prepared for planting. 11 Kgs. are laid in a crate indoors (heat from the stove promote sprouting), covered with paper.

March is potato month in Portugal and they are on every conversation. they will be planted out within a week or two.

potatoes are planted in large buckets to keep them out of the reach of rodents. two buckets are inserted one inside the other. the inner having harvesting openings as shown in the next photo.

for harvesting, the inner bucket is pulled out and potatoes are picked from the sides.

this is where Electroculture comes in. I have been working on a pyramid that should increase potato yield and size. will also keep a control bucket for comparison.

I call it the "Open Source" pyramid. you can probably see why. it is made of wood as its frame base and is all wired with copper.
this kind of pyramid will be later used to energize seeds before germination.

antennas pop up everywhere. I take advantage of many existing vertical posts to be used for them.

a copper wire runs down the side all the way into the soil.

magnet antennas are set in a North-South sense and can magnetize a wire placed inside them. the wire then has an effect of up to 1m. to each side of it.

the magnet antenna is always placed at the South end of the wire, allowing magnetic current to run North wise (in the North hemisphere).

the South-North line is marked using a compass.

the South end of the wire. in this case buried. it can also be laid on top of the surface.

the magnets are covered with natural honey bees wax in order to improve the quality of the magnetic field emitted.

and the magnet should be correctly positioned with the North polarity facing magnetic North. if not properly positioned, the whole antenna will not function properly.

currently. Electroculture on the farm is work in progress. resourcing of materials is time consuming but it seems worth it in the long run, as I see it.
another feature that will be incorporated in the future is a power tower that if properly built and positioned should have very significant effect not only on plant health and growth but also on general well being in the area affected. it is also suppose to help in easing the effects of frosts which is a major concern in our case and if results prove to do that, it will be a total game changer for the farm in the years to come.

I am daily making the change I want to see in the world.
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 last year  

wow! I forgot you guys had wild boars! Are you able to shoot them for meat?

I'm impressed with how much firewood you have from all the olives, and that you are getting into electroculture too. You'll have to let us know how it goes! You must be flat out busy.

Our farm is a wildlife sanctuary. boars are the real owners of the land as they have been around long before us. we are just stewards. flat out busy indeed, all year round.

You've been curated by @plantpoweronhive! Delegations welcome!

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Thank you so much !

 last year  

Wonderful! All of it.

You are living my dream.

Love the car tyre to protect against wild boar. We have many here and they seem to be getting braver (or hungrier?), venturing into our garden at night and making a total mess. Didn't know about the tyre trick till now.

my back begs for a good massage.

That is a feeling I can associate with! Started to re-design one of our gardens yesterday to account for the magnetised cables which run across the land every few meters. My goal is to put the walkways between the lines under which will go the watering channels which connect to our canal.


By the time I am done with this tonight I will need that massage ;)

Love your potato planter. Cool idea! As a round tub it may benefit from having tin foil around the outside. As demonstrated by Yannick in this film:

It occurred to me that if one were to have a circular pot with metal around it (or perhaps even just a metal pot) with a copper rod placed in the middle this would create a flow of electrons through the soil, perhaps aiding growth? I don't see Yannick doing this, but I also don't see why not? It would basically become an earth battery but the 'electricity' would be used by the plants & micro organisms in the soil.

Love your spirals everywhere! They look perfect.

My 3D printer man tells me it is too cold in his house to print at the moment! So I must wait a month for mine...

Thank you for sharing these images of your amazing land :)

Interesting. one more thing for the experimentation list.
as for the rod, I do not see why I wooden antenna do the same trick. just a stick with a copper wire around it. you could make it as long as you want and it can even go all the way to the bottom of a planter.
going to check out the video, thanks.

 last year  

Good point! Wooden rod with copper spiral around it should also work. It probably works better in fact, due to the spiral.

I came across this interesting image yesterday from 1755 which I thought you might enjoy.


It just blows my mind to see where we were at that time. Almost feels like the further back we go the more advanced our electroculture systems were.

I see direct correlation. the further back we go, the less numbing down was in play hence booming creativity and technological advancement. I bump into real history videos showing transport for example and I am blown away. so much suppression. this is already changing happily.
Interesting how in the drawing, it seems the plants sit on an elevated deck, isolated from the ground.. would that harness cosmic energy only..? nice find.

 last year  

The only useful text I could find on it:

In 1755, Benjamin Martin had promoted, in his General Magazine of Arts and Sciences, a proposal for 'perpetually electrifying the Plants and Fruit Trees of an artificial Garden'. He argued that as electricity is now well known to be somewhat more than a Matter of mere Curiosity, inasmuch as it has been successfully applied to the Cure of several Disorders of the rheumatic and paralytic kind … also it is well known greatly to promote Vegetation in Plants; and doubtless may be found of use in many other cases, if it were applied in a Proper Manner, I mean so that it might be rendered constant or perpetual, and not momentary and instantaneous, as in the common Way of using it. 16 Thus, he proposed a machine with two glass globes generating a constant supply of electricity to stimulate an irrigated garden (see Figure 5). While Martin's proposal seems never to have been realized, by the 1790s, Erasmus Darwin was expressing a well-accepted opinion when he noted that 'the influence of electricity in forwarding the germination of plants and their growth seems to be pretty well established'.

Taken from this link: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/A-Machine-for-a-Perpetual-Electrified-Garden-from-The-General-Magazine-of-Arts-and_fig5_322717384

So it would seem based on these words that the machine in the image was never actually made. Though I am curious to know how two glass globes generate a constant supply of electricity?

wow. there seems to be so much we do not know and will have to re-member.

 last year  

It is a very big project for you. hope all will go in the right way. greetings😊have a nice weekend.