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RE: Starting a garden Post #10

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Gorgeous garden.

am jealous of your space. Can't wait to see how your blueberries turn out. I have tried twice (fairly non-committal i must admit) but never had much luck. A shame since my kids love them and i just about have to remortgage the house to pay for their blueberries. lol

We are in Brisbane Australia with our garden. Its nearly winter. Have just planted some radishes myself. although, we are not big radish eaters so not sure what we will do with them.

thanks for sharing your garden and please keep us well posted!!!



I think blueberries grow well here in Vermont. We tended a neighbors garden for a bit last summer and had lots of fresh blueberries which was part of our inspiration. Also the tree farm we bought the blueberries from included some sulfur for the soil to make sure it is acidic.
Our space is hard earned 💪 There were two huge downed trees and all the brush that had grown up around them where our garden beds are now. We spent a lot of time clearing the space out last fall.
Thanks for checking out my post 🙂