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RE: Garden Journal - September 2022

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Yep 1st september is start of spring for us. Mostly we are focusing on a list. Foods we eat, foods that are expensive or benefit from daily picking, foods that we can manage the pests for, and foods that will grow in our climate. I don't want to waste our land on foods that are super cheep and in supply in the shops this season. or by growing too many things that we NEVER have enough of the item to make a full meal. I would rather waste some. If we don't over grow, you never actually eat it.

trying to avoid planting fancy things that sound great but we will never eat.. lol

or planting grape vines.. i would love grape vines.. lol

So we have Cherry tomato, cucumber, Egyptian spinach (first time growing), eggplant, zucchini and mini capsicums and lots of chili. A bucket load of herbs and greens, lemons and limes. GINGER (we eat a truck load)

If we can clear the back garden i have pumpkin seeds and watermelon seeds as well.

trying to get a water system in place as well. We have a MASSIVE tank. right next to the garden so that will help.

100% focus on the food when you need to be out there doing stuff for sure. All the best.

Happy gardening


 2 years ago  

I don't want to waste our land on foods that are super cheep and in supply in the shops this season


I have had the same issue for 2 years, because we've been expecting scarcity, but it didn't go as bad as we thought it would, which is a good thing I guess.

trying to avoid planting fancy things that sound great but we will never eat.. lol

This is a good one too. Even the less fancy like radishes, I realize the kids try it once, and then I am ending up with a bunch that nobody wants to eat!

Happy gardening to you too!