Turning Trash into Snack Treasure

in HiveGarden9 months ago (edited)

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What to do with Squash, and Pumpkin Seeds?

We all LOVE All Hallow's Eve, and Carving Pumpkins is a big part of it. Follow along, in this video, as I show you MY recipe for turning the seeds inside the pumpkin from trash, to an amazing Healthy Treasure Snack. My gardens are in New England, zone 6b/7a.

My gardens are in New England, zone 6b/7a.

For quite some time, I simply tossed those away... NOW, I turn those seeds into an Oven Roasted tasty Treat. I made a few batches this year... different spices.
• Sea Salt,
• Sea Salt, Cocoa Powder, and Cayenne,
• Sea Salt and Chili Powder

What kind of spices do you like on your snacks?
Please let me know in the comments, do you Celebrate Halloween? Do you Carve Pumpkins? Do you grow your own? Let me know in comments below, How did yours come out?

Consider Sharing this video, and Subscribing on YouTube. It really helps me out if you subscribe to my YouTube Channel...
...and of course, if you SHARE the Video, too! MANY Thanks!

Watch below, to see how I planted my fall garlic, this year, in this video!

Most of you know, I prefer to grow my own food, locally. It's healthier for my family, and for the planet. I know what goes into my foods, and what chemicals are NOT in my food. Also, It cuts down on carbon emissions, less trucking, planes, trains, and boats, to get fresh foods to my table.

And that makes me smile... better for the planet, better for my own family.

Are you growing and gardening? Are you participating in GroVid23? use the hashtag #growvid23 for your gardening posts, too!

Let me know below in the comments...

#recipes #pumpkinseeds #food #gardening #gardentips #homesteading #cooking

Show me your garden!
Leave me a comment, below...
and a link to your #GroVid23 garden!

It's time to take control of your own food supply,
your own health and your own lives.

The GroVid23 Challenge:
Grow Your OWN is not just a simple short challenge,
it's about taking control of your future!

Happy Gardening and Cheers,

All Images by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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I thought those pumpkins were egusi because they look similar to one from my country and it is best served with any meal, so tasty. It is good to grow your plants and crops as you know what chemicals are going into your food and stay healthy.
I just subscribed to your YouTube channel and I love how you turned those pumpkin seeds into three different batches, they look so neat and wrapped in nylon.
I popped in through #dreemport

I see others saying the same thing. Egusi is related to the Squash and Pumpkin family. That's probably why they all look similar.

Yummy 😋 pumpkin seeds. I usually just do salt and pepper but sometimes go for everything but the bagel seasoning

I have more seeds, probably won't do a video, but I have that seasoning (Everything But...) so, I will try that!

 9 months ago (edited) 

This brings me to my childhood when I used to buy a snack during recess, here it is...


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 179 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @bluefinstudios, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Wow! over here these Pumpkin seeds look like Egusi seed. Such a resemblance!

Melon, Watermelon, Squash, and Pumpkin are all related. so, the Pimpkin seeds are related to Melon seeds in Egusi!

Oh I love the idea of cocoa and cayenne! I always just roast and salt but you've gone next level! Thanks for a brilliant idea

It's a little spicy and a little sweet. Kinda like my old Prom Date!