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RE: Stairway to (Spider Mite) Heaven

in HiveGarden2 years ago

That's amazing!! What a great way to get rid of them, and expensive lol. But getting rid of mites=priceless!

Just a recommendation, any topic where cannabis is part of it, you should post from the Weedcash community:)

Posted using WeedCash Network


This is a good point about the economics of doing something like this. A 10 mL vial costs around US $23 up here in Canada. I used 0.10 mL of the oil drops and mixed it with half a cup of water. For the sage, four thorough applications of the mist were enough to send the critters packing. So, it's probably not too bad for small-scale gardens, assuming this idea actually works, and its not just the wild imaginings of some dude in the internet.

Thank you for the recommendation of the Weedcash community!