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RE: Garden Journal February ~ Spring is in the air!!!

in HiveGardenlast year

I live in the tropics and am used to always having sun, but I can imagine, when you live through the seasons and winter passes and the sun comes out, it must be wonderful.
You have a good job ahead of you with your garden, good luck.
By the way, I didn't know that planting garlic near trees is good for them.


Well I read once in a biodinamic garden book about fungi on the leaves on some type of trees, like almond, peach, plums trees are sensitive for. I gives blue/White color at the underside of the leaves. When I plant the garlic around, the tree get stronger to handle this fungi , or it get lesser sensitive. In this way I dont have to use chemicals or cut the tree, because it looks very bad. Also ants and ladybugs are very good to have in the tree, to eat this.
In the tropics, very nice, i spend one winter in the tropics i loved it... but I also like the seasons we have here in Greece