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RE: Mushrooms, Compost, Cannabis and Promoting Hive!

in HiveGarden2 years ago (edited)

Even in jungle environments local governments use chemicals to kill mushrooms to help keep people from eating bad ones or decrease foot traffic in areas of preservation.

My suggestion to find mushrooms is to research the mushrooms for your area and find out the good (medicinal), bad (poisonous) and psychedelic (spiritual). Learn how to spore print with a very white piece of paper and go to areas of the jungle with minimal foot traffic, minimal sun and lots of fallen trees under a canopy. Mushrooms are very sensitive to foot traffic and sun.

The Hive hoodie I bought from @arcange and his Hive buzz shop! I am not sure about shipping locations though. I know @bhattg in India mentioned something about not so enticing shipping rates. Maybe arcange or bhattg can refer ya to a local-ish Hive merchandise provider!