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RE: What's New in my Newbie Garden

in HiveGarden3 years ago

I do hate those audio tests myself. I’ve taken a few and just don’t do well on them. 40 WMP in this job market is more than great to be showing.

I had some carrots that where about that size myself. I think I still got some out past there recommended date by over a month.

I’ve learned herbs will be herbs. When they die it really was just there time. Thankfully many of them are so quick to replant you can have a few “replacements” in a given season.

Great to see you are keeping up with the garden. Have a great week.


This was my first time -- I had all the requirements except for the actual experience in transcribing, but they had written in the ad that training would be provided, so I tried anyway and was chuffed when they short-listed me. But wow. I was not expecting it to be that difficult.

I was practicing for a couple of days solid using various tv programmes and was doing better than I did on the test, haha. 😅

With carrots, from what I was reading they shouldn't be left for too long or they end up tasting weird. "Woody" tasting, or something. I'm really not sure what they meant by that description, lol. Mine tasted fine at least! Small, but fine. 😁