Reproduction of Sansevieria, Sword of Saint George or Mother-in-Law's Tongue - Reproduction by Cuttings in water.

in HiveGarden6 months ago


Hello, happy day to all my gardener friends who love plants and caretakers and breeders of different types of species. I am here again sharing my activities and the different types of techniques that I can apply in my cultivation. These days I have been accommodating and expanding the place in where I have the plants and well Today I want to show you this method that I apply with this species so that you can see that it is effective and that we can efficiently obtain new plants.



This type of plant that we are going to see next is known as the sansiveira, the sword of Saint George or the mother-in-law's tongue. I don't know if any of your homes or in the city where you live have another type of name for this plant, but here where I am in Venezuela and we know it this way. It is an indoor plant that we can have without any problem in our homes since it can grow naturally without receiving direct sunlight since, like other species that I have shown this also belongs to the succulent family since due to the elongated growth of its plants they can store a certain amount of water which allows them to grow in good conditions in the environment where they are planted.


Although it is true that there are different types of techniques that we can carry out when reproducing this species, this one that I applied is the reproduction technique through chopping each of the leaves, we divide them and we can obtain new plants as you can see in a photograph. .



One of its common names is the sword of Saint George and if you can see in the photos that I am showing you, it looks like it was a real sword. I separate the long blades.
And with the help of a previously sterilized knife passed through the kitchen candle we can remove any parasitic or fungal load that the object may have. In this way we can separate several pieces of the plants which is what we are going to use to obtain some new templates.

Once we chop all of them, we manage to place them on top of the ground, we open a little hole and we leave it there for about 15 or 20 days and it should begin to sprout its small roots. There are people who put them in water beforehand and then when they see that the sprouts are coming out. I particularly put the sowing directly into the ground and well, it has happened to me without any problem and you can see there in each of the pots that I am showing you, you see the evolution of the plants and you see how they have It has been growing without any problems.

This is a very simple method in which you can reproduce this species if you have it in your house. Additionally, as I told you, there are people who place it in water and let the rootlets come out in water. Once it already has a good sprout, they go to start planting them in the ground but you can also apply the technique that I do in the same way you will obtain good results as long as you make a good cut so that the plant can grow without any type of problems that arise at the time of cutting.


For me it is a real pleasure to show you the sample of the work that I have been doing in my cultivation. In the next few days I am going to upload the maintenance that I am doing in one of the areas to be able to remove the type of bad plants that grow and I am going to try to Disinfect the area with hot water. I will be telling you about this in one of the following articles that I upload to my dear gardening friends.



Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Wow! This plant does look like a sword indeed. The planting method seems quite easy. Looking forward to read about the maintenance soon.