Around the Yard at the End of May - May 25, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in HiveGarden22 days ago

Clivia flowers crop May 2024.jpg

On Saturday I was in a photo taking mode. This clivia upstairs in the old office is flowering great guns.

Azalea full bloom crop May 2024.jpg

When I pulled the shades down against the sun, I could see the azalea was nearly in full bloom.

East of Steps - dianthus flowers crop May 2024.jpg

When I went out to do chores, the dianthus in the East of Steps garden was flowering.

New West - dianthus flowers crop May 2024.jpg

As was the scented dianthus in the New West garden.

New West - pink evening primrose crop May 2024.jpg

The pink evening primrose has survived and is flowering in the New West also.

First Fence - white Siberian iris flowers crop May 2024.jpg

Along the Fence gardens the white Siberian iris has started to flower.

Spirea flowers crop May 2024.jpg

Across the driveway from the iris the spirea is in full bloom.

New South - sweet William flowers crop May 2024.jpg

In the New South garden the Sweet William has started to flower.

South - sedum flowers crop May 2024.jpg

In the South garden, the sedum I was worried about back in March is doing fine and in full flower.

Rugosa rose buds opening crop May 2024.jpg

The rugosa rose is just opening flowers also.

Seventh Fence - raspberries crop May 2024.jpg

In the Seventh Fence garden, that is supposed to be an iris bed, the raspberry volunteers have overrun it and they are covered in berries this year.

Hibiscus crop May 2024.jpg

Just a month ago, when I cleaned out this area by the Small garden, there was no sign of life from the hibiscus. Now it’s nearly 12” tall.

Kousa dogwood - flowers crop May 2024.jpg

The Kousa dogwood is flowering now in the backyard.

New Herb crop May 2024.jpg

There are lots of flowers in the New Herb garden: lupine, chives, chamomile, woad, creeping veronica, and a few others.

On Sunday I hope to get more rows planted in the Big garden.


The flowers are beautiful, showing off their majestic colors and fragrances. I really like the variety of colors, they are divine 😍

Of the ones you show, I have clivias and others but with another name haha

Regards 🦉

I so much love the beautiful flowers and how it is really growing I must confess. They are really doing a very great job over here

 21 days ago  

Your Clivia is beautiful! Does the Dianthus winter over well? I bought some this spring and planted it in the butterfly garden at the edge and could not remember if it lasted more than a season. Looks like you will have a lot of raspberries this year. Yay!

The one in the New West died in the winter and I have replaced it. the ones 2' away in the East of Steps, and 8' away in the West of Steps gardens both have been there 2 or 3 years.

Very many beautiful flowers blooming in your garden and I can already imagine the scents they're emitting in your garden.

So nice! Lovely flowers in your garden. Several flowers I haven’t seen before. Would be nicer if they could be edible as well! 🙀😂

Some of them are, like the roses...

I love to have rose petal tea!

All of these are beautiful beautiful flowers
Your garden is so precious
I love it!

Wow, this is their favourable season.
The whole garden is beautified with amazing flowers.🌹🌹💮🏵️💐🥀

 21 days ago  

Oh wow, you are literally drenched in flowers! What a time of the year to witness so much beauty surrounding you. Thank you so much for sharing your slice of blooming and blossom heaven with us.

It's the very best time of year here on the farm. :))

 20 days ago  

I can imagine! I am really jealous. Keep well and enjoy it for all of our parts!

I'm getting to like your garden the more , look at how all the flowers are flourishing
Kudos to you Ma'am.


The Clivia has a great colour and the azaleas, all of them must make your garden so beautiful.

Wow so beautiful flowers.

These are very colorful and I can just imagine your garden looking so beautiful. The reds are the most prominent but that doesn't make the other colours less beautiful.

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