Back to the Salt Mines - May 3, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in HiveGarden2 months ago

East Shed - deadheading daffodils crop May 2024.jpg

On Friday morning I got up at 4:45AM and got my post up. Then I cleaned up the kitchen and got chores done. I still had a half an hour before doing the milk order, so I decided to deadhead the daffodils and tulips.

Most of them had gone by. Deadheading encourages them to put the energy into the bulb instead of into making seeds.

Crabapple - flowering crop May 2024.jpg

It was a cloudy gloomy day but I decided to get a photo of the crabapple. It’s not in full bloom, but I might forget on Saturday and Sunday we have rain. That will probably knock off a lot of the flowers.

Crabapple - flower close-up crop May 2024.jpg

Close up of crabapple flowers

Once the milk order was in, I got ready and headed out to the salt mines. This job is dragging on and on…

Driveway - raking crop May 2024.jpg

First I raked up the mess along the driveway from where we cut.

Back 40 - branches to pick up crop May 2024.jpg

Then it was time to face this mess, again. It took me 2 hours to go down this side and across the back then unload the truck into the brush pile.

Back 40 - bluets crop May 2024.jpg

At the very back of the back 40, there are now clumps of bluets. My husband said there were tiny spots of them back there. But now they have grown into clumps.

When I got back I put the tools away and sat down for a while. I should have gotten a shower when I came in, but I was too tired. I finally got up at 11:15AM and did that and made something to eat. Then I sat back down again for a couple hours.

Small garden - boards off carrots crop May 2024.jpg

On Thursday when I checked there were a very few carrots up, so I took the boards off. I found 1 pea plant up, but didn’t look hard.

Volunteer honesty over the bank crop May 2024.jpg

There’s a volunteer honesty plant growing over the bank.

Little Trees - 11. Juneberry flowers crop May 2024.jpg

In the original Little Trees, the #11 Juneberry is covered with flowers.

South Herb - violets and lily of the valley crop May 2024.jpg

At the corner of the South Herb and West Herb gardens, the violets and lily of the valley are really pretty. The photo doesn’t do them justice.

East Shed - tulip buds crop May 2024.jpg

In the East Shed garden, the tulips have buds. I think these are the sole surviving ones outside of the red and yellow ones.

Azalea - dead nettle flowers crop May 2024.jpg

Under the azalea the variegated dead nettles aka lamium are in full flower. The tall stuff in front of them is hybrid spiderwort.

Cold frame - seedlings crop May 2024.jpg

The sun wasn’t supposed to come out on Friday, but it did, so I went out to open the cold frame. I noticed they needed water but was too wiped to do anything about it.

Around 3:30PM, after several hours rest, I went out to water them. They sure are looking good!

Old woodshed starting to fill crop May 2024.jpg

My son finally got the 5th bag of wood into the shed and stacked. Just 5 left to go…

On Saturday I have to walk the perimeter of the back 40 to check the fences. Too many branches fell on them, so I have to do it again. That ought to do me in, but the pastures will be finished.


I like how your garden is always in good shape. The Lily of Valley are doing wonderfully well.🌼🌼🌼 Nice job

I ask, do you ever get tired? Yes I know you do and I still think you work too hard. But the results are always great and the crabapple tree just steals the show .

No one else to do it, and so I do what I can, then rest or sleep.

It's okay then ☺️

It sounds like you need a helper at least to help with picking up those branches.

So good to see spring flowers in abundance. The tulips would lighten up the garden.

Hope you’ll have a good rest.

 2 months ago  

I need to deadhead all the daffodils too. Ugh! You are getting a lot done on the homestead now that the weather is allowing. Have a great weekend.

The weather there really seem cool
I hope you remember to check the fences as you have said
Have a good day!