Blasted Allergies - June1 & 2, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in HiveGarden4 months ago

My heating pad crop June 2024.jpg

On Friday night I was coughing a lot from the allergies and had told my general helper to skip Saturday. I was in bad shape on Saturday. I managed to get the trash ready to go to the dump by 8AM and my brother took it for me.

After resting a while I decided I really needed to get the lawn mowing done as I probably would not be able to do it on Sunday as usual. Fortunately, the cold nights had slowed the grasses growth a lot and I finish it in 1¾ hours.

That finished me too. I got a shower and was so tired I was freezing cold. So I sat in my chair with my heavy sweater on and a doubled blanket that Larry loves. So he was my heating pad for a while until he got fed up with all my coughing.

Dining room - installing baseboard crop June 2024.jpg

The contractor arrived at 3:15PM to finish up his last 2 jobs before he goes to Maine for the summer. He got the last of the fascia on the back of the shed.

We’d decided to try to keep the dining room floor from heaving in the summer by putting a sturdy baseboard down. He only ran it along this wall, for now.

The contractor inspector crop June 2024.jpg

Of course, the work had to be thoroughly inspected.

I went to bed really early but couldn’t get to sleep until 10:30PM because of the coughing.

Fallen from oak tree crop June 2024.jpg

On Sunday morning when I went outside, I found these large branches had fallen from the white oak sometime after I’d been there mowing.

My general helper slept here Saturday night and we were out in the Big garden at 6AM.

Big garden - celery, cauliflower, zinnias, mesclun crop June 2024.jpg

We got the cauliflower, zinnias, celery, and 2 beds of mesclun planted and mulched.

Big garden - Carina mulching mesclun crop June 2024.jpg

My helper mulched the mesclun with the loose stuff and I mulched with the leaves from the bales.

Big garden - as far as we got crop June 2024.jpg

Once everything we’d planted was mulched, I spread a little more amendment and we laid out 2 more rows to plant on Monday morning.

Big garden - as far as we got2 crop June 2024.jpg

Planting rows takes longer than things like tomatoes and we didn’t finish the half of this section as I’d hoped we might.

The allergies are awful, the coughing way too much. I’ve never had to deal with allergies like this before. In researching about allergies in this area, I found out the city 25 minutes south of us is #1 for high pollen counts in the country! And the lack of rain has allowed the counts to go really high. I expect I’ll be calling the doctor’s office to see what there is for relief.

My general helper will be here Sunday night and we’ll start at 6AM again on Monday morning. My hope is to finish this garden completely. And with delusions, I’m hoping to get some of the sprawly ones in the Small garden planted too. But chances are good that won’t happen until Tuesday.


How is Larry doing? Coughing could make someone to feel very unease, please do take care of yourself.

Larry hates my coughing, it disrupts his naps. :)) The coughing was pretty severe early in the night last night, but subsided by morning and has been much better today.

The allergy could get really bad sometimes. I used to have hay fever so I was allergic to pollens and would suffer badly with sore eyes, runny nose and sneezing.
Since I had been back to my country, I got much better. But I found out I was allergic to certain tree pollens with very strong scent.

I hope you could find some relief to your allergy. I was told to take cold shower to alleviate the symptoms. It did help a bit, I sneezed much less.

Lots of work get done from early morning! Your helpers are very good at gardening too.

 4 months ago  

I am so sorry your allergies are giving you so much trouble this year. We are going to have a few days of rain this week and I hope the .pollen from all the pine trees is washed away. The cottonwoods are also starting to blow. Ugh ! Be well.

I must say the pet looks so cute and charming ❤️

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The allergy can be very crazy and the same thing is happening to me right now. I just hope you take good care of yourself and kudos to your general helper for everyday care

Coughing can be very disturbing and I can imagine how you felt when it was disturbing you. Just make sure you get your see the doctor as soon as possible so he can find a solution to the cough

I did talk to the doctor’s office and have medication I am trialing. So far it hasn’t worked very well at all… Still coughing.