Life Goes On… - May 5 & 6, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in HiveGarden26 days ago

Seedlings - parsley crop May 2024.jpg

Parsley seedlings

On Sunday I wasn’t doing so well. It was cold and damp and raining most of the day. The house was cold but not worth lighting a fire. So outside of getting a load of dishes done, nothing much happened all day. I was under blankets watching movies.

Big garden - rhubarb flowers crop May 2024.jpg

Big garden – rhubarb flowers

Monday morning I got up at 4AM and got the laundry started. Then I started working on the seedlings. They needed reorganizing, thinning, and lights adjusted.

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Sorting seedlings

I had to stop and get a shower and get ready for an appointment. My right hip had been bothering me a lot last week and it turns out it’s sciatica on that side now. Sigh…

Lawn - grass getting high crop May 2024.jpg

Grass is high in the yard, tick heaven

I got home before the lawnmower guy showed up and was changing over the laundry when he knocked on the door. We got the lawnmower squared away. He said the blades I gave him didn’t go to that mower, so I must label them for next time. He also didn’t have an O ring for the pressure washer hose, so I must look for a new hose.

Lawnmower repair crop May 2024.jpg

Once he was gone, I finished changing over the laundry and started working on the seedlings. I managed to finish them but not water them. I made lunch and the Senior van arrived to bring me to the music event.

East Shed - tulips crop May 2024.jpg

East Shed – tulips opening

Music at Senior Center May 2024.jpg

It was fun listening and sometimes singing along. I got home around 2PM and did some more laundry, then sat and rested. I made an early supper and my brother got home around 6PM.

New East - creeping veronica crop May 2024.jpg

New East garden – creeping veronica

We got another bag moved up to the shed for my son to empty and stack.

New East - Jacob's ladder crop May 2024.jpg

New East garden – Jacob’s ladder flowers

I changed over the laundry again and was done for the day. I sat and read until chores, and then bedtime.

New South - wallflowers, verbascum, wood hyacinths crop May 2024.jpg

New South garden – from top, wood hyacinths, hollyhock leaves, verbascum buds, wallflower flowers

On Tuesday I have to get out early as I can and start mowing. It’s going to take hours as the grass is so high and lush.

Small garden - peas up text crop May 2024.jpg

Small garden

South Herb - chive buds crop May 2024.jpg

South Herb – chive buds

I’ll finish that around noon and rest for a while. My brother will be home early and we hope to finish the cutting of the driveway trees.

South - grass, no sweet peas crop May 2024.jpg

South garden – lots of grass, no sweet peas up…

South Herb - peony buds crop May 2024.jpg

South Herb – peony buds

That ought to finish me off but good.

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West Shed – daylilies and white iris

But I have another busy day on Wednesday before it rains….no rest for the weary…


I hope you get over these pains, they can slow one down. Just take it easy. And your garden is really worth the hard work you put into it

Your garden work is getting more interesting everyday but you need to take it easy because you’re doing a lot of work
Good job and I wish you the best of luck

Yes, as long as we're still breathing, life must go on.

Wow, you've really got a lot going on in the gardens!

For me, I have my Brussels Sprouts (3 types), my zucchini and golden zucchini in, my butternut and spaghetti squash in. I also have lettuces going. and my potato, too. This past week, I transplanted my onions (6 types started from seed) to their 'outside homes'. AND new for me, I am starting some Cape Cod Beach Plum from seeds. They are a bush type fruit that grows in sandy soil near the shore from Maine to Maryland. An experiment, but we shall see. I pick enough wild, and make jellys and liqueur, so I thought I would try starting some here at home, rather than have to go somewhere.

My seedlings? Tomato and Pepper were hit hard with aphids indoors. Struggling to get them to survive. Time will tell.

Sorry about your hip. I have chronic knee issues, so, I get it, truly I do.

No rest for the weary.... But you need to rest sometimes to be in good shape. I love the tulips and the bursts of purple in your garden.

It’s to start raining on Wednesday afternoon and go through Friday so plenty of time to rest then.

Interesting, too many activities in the garden but try not to over stress yourself with much work. Most of the flowers are flourishing

I just see a vast garden with beautiful herbs and flowers and wish to have one. You have done a great job with your garden and I love the way you take a break to rest.

Tulips, creeping Veronica, Jacob's ladder and so many others growing in the garden makes them so beautiful.
The senior citizens' meetup should be a form of recreational activity for you.

Our Senior Center is very active and offers a lot of activities.