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RE: Transplant a Cretona/ Trasplante una Cretona

in HiveGardenlast year

Sorry to hear about your mother and my condolences albeit it's a bit too late. Too bad that one of your plants was stolen and it's a great idea to keep some of them indoors.

Your transplanted Cretona is looking good and adds color to your personal space :) I think your idea of giving your living room a bit more green and fresher look is brilliant even when your neighbors say it would feel like she's in a jungle, lol!

All the best to you on your gardening plans and may all those that you plant will thrive well :)



Thank you very much for your words of condolences, for that theft I preferred to bring home the most striking and if I will show you how my house is filled with greenery and becomes jumanji and I happy, hahaha.

You're very welcome :)

Haha! I'm excited already to see how your house will turn out when you do finish decorating it with plants and ornamentals😅