My garden patch is a disaster, but that's about to change.

in HiveGarden2 years ago

I'm moving house in a month and so is my garden.

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This literally means I will live across the road from where I am staying currently. I live in the Northern desert of Peru, and it is very dry here. It is also on the coast, so I have to contend with salt issues around my plants.

I also never know where I will be next.

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Therefore, planning a garden patch is a little tricky, but I may have come up with a solution for that. The next place I am living at, has generally a small surplus of water for one person living in a plot, mean't for many more. Sunshine and warmth are no problem here, but water is.

Everything in pots.

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I adapted my current garden to the local surroundings. Store bought soil and locally sourced compost to enhance growth. From everything I have planted, lavender, thyme, basil, Thai basil, parsley and lemon grass has down well here. Just quench their thirst with constant water, and they are off to the races. I'm even try to seed some bell pepper varieties I got hold of recently in Lima.

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Lavander loves the local climate.

I got this plant about 4 months ago, and it was tiny in comparison to when I bought it. I know of a few places around Lima where I can pick up young plants for under 1USD. Not only that, but I will buy at least ten and try and get them to Lobitos. From what I have researched, this plant has a lot of potential benefits.

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I will keep you posted on plans and progress.

 2 years ago  

Lavenders a good one for dry soil. Have you tried wicking beds or hugelkultur? I experimented with putting logs at the bottom of an apple crate then putting in soil and mulch.. the logs retain the moisture which the roots strive for.

Lavenders are loving here. I will have to check out wicking beds and hugelkultur. If I can retain water for as log as possible, then major bonus. I am also in the process of getting an Peruvian organic food producers ( @fosac ) to post within the Hive Garden community. They have just ventured into Hive, this after like a year of working to onboard them.

 2 years ago  

Awesome, me and @minismallholding will keep an eye out for them and give them some love when they post.

Thank you mate :) They grow really good produce and I have been to their farm several times. My hope is that they integrate blockchain tech sooner rather than later. I am getting them to write an intorduce yourself post.