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RE: They Are Alive! - A Garden Update and Expansion

in HiveGarden10 months ago

Nice variety you have planted, Amaranth a useful plant, so many ways to enjoy, being a baker you most probably know plenty secrets.

Starting to plant now into boxes, not quite as elaborate as you have.



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 10 months ago  

Even if only planting in boxes, it is better than nothing!

Yes, I love amaranth in all sorts of ways! Best way to cook and use is fried in some butter with onion and spices (cumin especially) on rice or flatbread. (Or with pap/porrige; I think its called imfino pap.)

Does look interesting made into a variety of bakes, sweets or traditional specialty foods.

 10 months ago  

I tried to infuse it with some homemade pasta once. It kind of worked. The leaf pattern came out nicely. I basically laminated a leaf between two sheets of pasta.

I haven't got patience for fiddly decor, to me it's all about taste. 🙃

 10 months ago  

That is the problem right. I call it “Instagram food.” It is all about presentation and not about the taste which is the actual important element.

Very seldom I take photos of food, cook fresh every day I simply don't have the time to bother!

 9 months ago  

I am so sorry for only responding now. Time and I are not good friends. Things run away from me like trains while I try and paddle on my bike.

I only take photographs for Hive when I cook, and the aim is always to cook really nice food. I love to use baking bread as an example. To get those stunning "Instagram loaves" you need to underproof it a bit, and you cannot ferment it too much as, for example, sourdough's acidic nature is bad for gluten development. But the longer you ferment it, the better it tastes. But you will not get that beautiful sourdough loaf look for Instagram. It is always about appearance and in appearance we sacrifice quality.