
But you MUST wait! Hahaha, it sucks. But it's worth it for proper smoke.
Everything looks good, and heavy! Happy harvesting. I think I have 2 weeks to go for the Reclining Buddhas.

LOl, I love the buzz of freshly dried weed.

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Well chyaah! :P
Back in the day when I had the big grow, I used to go crazy for the "finger rub" after trimming day. I don't know for certain if that stuff is significantly different enough from all the other extracts I've tried in recent years, or if I just reacted so strongly to it because I was a total weed noob at the time. But man I remember crumbling a few clumps of that stuff over a bong bowl, and going flying in my computer chair for like 2 hours. I went inside the music, maaaaaan. LOL

Yeah I would say it’s different big time. Even after you cut it, the thc still degrades. Not a whole lot, but enough to make a difference. I always notice that freash buds has a more lively and energetic feeling to it