Proper Planting and Transplanting of Chayote

in HiveGarden2 years ago
This was the beginning of my planting of Chayote. It started with fruit and I put it in wet soil and covered it with plastic to take root until the twig sprouted under the light. You can see the beginning of my Chayote here at this link, Click Here.

What you see now in the picture is the less than a month-old Chayote and how I wrapped it in plastic. As I explained in my last post, the reason I wrap the plastic is to stay moist inside the Chayote and to keep insects and small grass seeds from entering.

When you see that the Chayote has turned slightly brown, this is the beginning of drying and can be transferred to a larger container as you can see in the picture below.

The Plantation Area

This is what I have been preparing for a long time, the relocation of Chayote. It has a minimum depth of 60 centimeters and contains dried leaves and grass including vegetable and fruit skins. It also has 5% fine sand and here I also buried my dead pet cats and dead rats that I caught on the ceiling. So this soil is definitely fertile!

In the first week of November, I moved two Chayotes because the third was not ready yet. I left the third Chayote temporarily because maybe I placed it in the plastic vase incorrectly or the fruit was really not good.

But exactly 15 days later, just this morning November 21, 2021, I moved it along with two other Chayotes. You can see the correct planting of Chayote in the picture. The fruit must not be buried in the ground and let it grow and crawl on its own.

All you have to do is put the Chayote plant in the right position and support it so that even the wind blows hard, it won't fall and break. Now, I just have to wait until January. Its flowering begins in January and bears fruit in February.


Oh thanks for this. I have been wondering how to plant this crop. But I heard that in Baguio they only throw this out and grow well even no one cared. But it is hard in Visayas area. I thinks it is the weather.

 2 years ago  

Yup! Weather condition! Chayote wants moist and cold weather. ^_^

I will do it