"Weeding My Yard and Garden and Thinking About Satoniwa Garden Style 里庭のことを考えながら庭と畑の雑草取りをする" [English and Japanese]

in HiveGarden2 years ago


"Weeding My Yard and Garden and Thinking About Satoniwa Garden Style"

I pulled weeds in my yard and garden this morning. Basically, weeding is a very fun thing for me if it's not too much. My yard and garden are very wild, actually. My husband usually mows the lawn about every two weeks in summer and uses a whippersnapper for tall grass a few times a month. However, we don't cut the grass too much. We cut grass for protecting my dog from tics.

My backyard and garden area are pretty wild. My ideal garden is called "Satoniwa (里庭)" style. Satoniwa's sato (里) means village and "niwa (庭)" means yard or garden in Japanese. This style is a very natural garden which has wild plants, flowers, vegetables, bushes, trees, planted flowers, planted plants, and more. Sometimes there are Japanese lanterns in Satoniwa. Additionally, there is a pond, and a small creek sometimes. It's fun to walk around in Satoniwa because once you enter Satoniwa, you will notice many different kinds of nature. It's like exploring mini nature or hiking in your garden. Therefore, I don't weed all the time. After enjoying wild plants and flowers, then if they are too wild, I pull some weeds.

Why I am interested in Satoniwa is because my grandmother created her Satoniwa. She always spent time in her garden and told me that "the plum flowers started blooming today," "there are some tomatoes ready," "look at the bird in the tree." or more. I like to explore her Satoniwa very much. Now, my mother is taking over her Satoniwa because my grandma is very old. Now, I am trying to make my own version of Satoniwa but I need more of my grandmother's knowledge. I can't meet her often so, I read a plant book.









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Thank you!

It is a very interesting garden technique and looks like it can be very fulfilling and fun to explore such a garden! Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for your comment! Yes, it is fun to explore every day. I have corn, bean, and squash garden as well but they are very slow this year. This wild parts are doing well though.