2022 April Hive Garden journal and answers to April HPUD Guessing Contest

in HiveGarden2 years ago

With Easter approaching it's time to start a bit of gardening again. My first batch of seedlings this year is the bok choi veggies. @sjarvie5 sent me the seeds two years ago and I've been planting them every year with mixed success. These seedlings are just over two weeks old, and are coming along nicely. I hope they will produce a good crop in a couple of months time.

This year I don't have a garden, only some outdoor space, so I can't plant my veggies in the ground. I'm going to plant them individually in plastic bottles which will sit in these plastic trays so I can move them around easily. Each tray holds 11 bottles and so far I have 23 bottles. My sister in law has been saving them for me as she's drinking bottle still water instead of tap water. Not very environmentally friendly I know, but she's recovering from cancer and needs to keep an eye on her food and drink intake, so I'm going to cut her the slack. Plus I'm reusing the plastic so all is good.

I also have these tomato seedlings and two apple custard plants. I'm babysitting them for my sister as she's going away for two months. Hopefully they'll still be ok when she comes back. She's planted a lot, so I'm going to keep a few as last year my tomato plants were a disaster (actually most of the stuff I grow are a disaster!!!)


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Answers to April HPUD Guessing Contest

Continuing with my Hive garden, this month's HPUD Guessing Contest is to guess how many aloe vera plants are in this pot.

Here they are, all removed from the pot ready to be repotted. And the answer is 1️⃣0️⃣. This month 5 people guessed correctly, congrats to @mipiano, @khingstan, @leaky20 (great work, two months in a row!!!), @phortun and @wnfdiary. You will share the 10 HBD prize pool.

Thanks to everyone else who entered my HPUD Guessing Contest and I look forward to seeing you in the May HPUD Guessing Contest.


I could not mess up this aloe vera thing heheheh :)

Congrats to @khingstan , @leaky20 @phortun and @wnfdiary and thank you @livinguktaiwan for the fun and reward! :))

Good luck with the new baby seedlings :)

You have this special relationship with aloe vera, they will never fail you!!! Thank you for joining in the contest @mipiano

6 days of delay to respond to your response 😱 😢🤦‍♀️
I was jumping here and there with the replies this week and got lost. Sorry.

Did you know that the flowers of aloe vera are edible? I didn't know but today a friend visited us who convinced me to try one from my aloe. It was sweet :))

Thank you for the contest, it is always fun to participate 😇

I will be very happy if my aloe vera flowers, they'd be so precious I don't think I would eat mine!! But thats interesting to know, you learn something new every day on Hive!!

Thanks allot @mipiano it's a privilege to be among the winners and this is my first time of actually winning the guess 😇😇

then special congratulations to you 😎
these games and initiatives are interesting
fun is what we should have in hive :))

Yes sure, and I'm sure having that fun
Thanks allot @mipiano

You've won two weeks in a row now, which means that I should just start copying your answer every week 🤔


You haven't done too bad yourself, you won last month's as well


Hahhah, yes, maybe :)

Well, there were some I couldn't even try to guess... I remember the one with the number of the doors in one corridor
It was super hard

Wow congratulation to all the winners finger crossed till next month

Thanks for entering, and look forward to your entry again next month

I hope to win the next one😄😄

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Does the apple custard plant grow here? I think I ate apple custard before, but I thought it is an exotic fruit...

I think my sister is experimenting, not sure what if anything will come out of them, especially if I babysit them for two months 😬

Common, you did great with the salad the other year!

Yay the bok choy is looking so good this year! My guess is 7. Aloe is such a great plant.

This is the third year I'm planting them, hopefully they will be nice to me this year. Will keep you posted Sara.

So close. Soooo close. Well next month is just 18 days away hehe. Congrats to the winners. And good luck to your new plantings. Those bok chois look healthy.

So far so good, the real test will come when I plant them in the bottles and move them outdoors.

I have complete faith in you 🙏

I love how you are repurposing all those water bottles, so cool! I’m excited to see how your in pots garden progresses this year.😊

And I loved gazing upon those bok choi seedlings, I just seeded mine, the sight of yours has made he hungry and I’m now going to go stir fry something lol!

I'm feeling ultra prepared this year, as normally I scrummage around the last minute looking for soil and pots. Will be sowing another batch of seeds in a couple of weeks time so I can space out my harvest (assuming all goes to plan)

Gonna check out your garden in a minute, I got a feeling there a lot of gems there!

Thanks for dropping by

Good morning!

My first thought was well, not so many gems, but there is a heck of a lot of manure lol!

And seriously, good luck with your successive harvest plan! I am working on doing much better at that this year and have lined out a seeding schedule, especially for things like salad greens and such. Can't wait to see your progress too!

 2 years ago  

bok choi are one of my favourites... i keep getting them dead from sun... or eaten by bugs though... lol


All mine were eaten by bugs last year when I placed them outdoors. In the end I had to keep them indoors and finally ended eating some. Look forward to these growing up soon

Hii @livinguktaiwan, I am really like seeing your plants starting to grow. although not in the garden, and only in seedlings in plastic bags.
Actually I also like gardening, but also there is no land in this house. however, I have a small garden on the balcony where there are some flowers.
Next time I am gonna share the story on this community.

Stay Healthy and happy for you and your family.
have a nice day🌸

Hi Etty. Space can be an issue in Taipei, but a balcony is nice, you can still grow some smaller plants and flowers, I'm sure it will look very pretty. Take care yourself!

I did @livinguktaiwan , I grow Pandan leave too Here. So I can use to cook Indonesian Dishes, LIKE Pudding, ice ,etc
Gardening always make Happy 🌸


It looks like you have a really nice set up despite not having an actual garden. I'm in the same situation with not much more than a few planter boxes to work with. I don't often get much to eat from my plants, a tomato here and there and some herbs also, although I enjoy talking to my little plant friends and they help me find a smile now and then so I feel it's worth the effort.

Since dabbing into gardening, I find eating my own grown produce so rewarding, even if it's just a bunch of mint leaves or a small tomato. It's nice that you talk to your plants as sometimes it definitely helps to cure people if they are willing to listen. Alas not all do.

Thanks for dropping by @world-travel-pr0 , you are so funny.

I find eating my own grown produce so rewarding, even if it's just a bunch of mint leaves or a small tomato.

Oh yes! Sometimes all I have are some mint leaves to drop into my water or tea, or a few basil leaves to sprinkle on my pasta, but it feels like an accomplishment.

You are so funny.

Kooky at times, or so I'm told. I don't disagree. 🙃

Thank you so much for replying to me.

wow this is so amazing I'm super excited 💃🕺, thanks allot for the opportunity @livinguktaiwan and also to all those who guessed we are all winners and hope to do more awesome by the next One

Good to see you around Khingstan and well done on winning!

Wow, congratulations to all the right guessers 🤭🤭❣️❣️.

Look forward to see your entry again next month!

I'll keep this in mind.
Stay safe dear @livinguktaiwan and please greet your plants for me, they are so beautiful, the green is so eye catchy😍😍.

It's awesome how one plant can produce so many more.

Good luck with your urban farm! Good idea to re-use the plastic bottles.

Actually that's only a fraction of what I have, all in all the one single plant I had from two years ago has grown into well over 30, I just wish money would grow this fast, I'll be on the roll!!!

That would be nice 🙂

Thank you very much.

Yay! :) Thank you so much for hosting this fun challenge and congrats to my fellow co-winners :) Also, good luck with your gardening efforts Pauline!

@tipu curate

Thanks Petr, hopefully I will see some results very soon

Dang, that is an awesome Aloe plant. The last time I tried to keep an Aloe plant I ended up killing it. That is usually what happens when I try to grow anything inside the house. I am still trying to decided if I want to have a proper garden this summer. I might just do some zucchini and tomatoes.

Once you get the hang of Aloe vera, they're pretty easy to maintain. Lots of sun light but no direct sun, at least that's how it works in UK, though I'm not sure why and how they survive under the sun in some countries.

I find it really fun and rewarding growing stuff, will definitely grow more if I had a proper garden. I tried growing zucchini the other year and I ended up with two decent size ones, I was well chuffed!

I think mine shriveled up and died. I am guessing either too much or too little water.

Like babies, pity plants can't tell us otherwise our lives would be a lot easier!

 2 years ago  

I love your Bok Choi, I can't help but stare at them.

They are very pretty to look at aren't they? 😃

 2 years ago  

Yes, they are (^_^)

Oh wow! Just realised how such posts on gardening and plants make me so happy. I'm planning on getting few outdoor and indoor plants too. Would love for you to share some handy tricks and tips in your further posts.❤️✨

I'm still learning myself. Check out the posts in the community, there are plenty of experts there!

@Livinguktaiwan hey.. you're from Thailand, I'm a native of aceh.. you don't know the history of aceh, it's better to be quiet. don't make trouble with fake comments in the pinmaple community..
Sigli is also aceh, bro. aceh is called a tribe, guys. I don't know the history.! oi.. i'm originally from aceh... now I ask you who are smart... then where is the aceh tsunami museum located.? the answer is no.! because aceh is the name of a tribe, not the name of a museum. you are smart and mess with people again.
because of you, my community in pinmpale was silenced.
You are stupid and know the history of aceh

You plagiarised and were downvoted on your original account teukuwahyudi, and was muted by Pinmapple. If you're so smart, you really should know better than not to abuse Pinmampple with this new account.

Instead of throwing tantrums, why not spend more time improving the quality of your blog and engaging more with people. Making 17 comments and casting only 4 upvotes in a month is really poor

hey you, where did you assume that the @teukuwahyudi account was mine? you like cheating..hey you're Thai..that's my friend's @teukuwahyudi account. not mine. you are too bad to judge something from your eyes... you say plagiarism? hey you are too smart to look stupid. at first you said that the museum was not in aceh? hey you come to aceh..see for yourself with your own eyes..there is no aceh museum here. because aceh is the name of a tribe or area not the name of a museum. you're just assuming. and your assumptions are too bad to judge. you come to aceh. I'm waiting for you here. to be clear. you like to twist the facts. a liar who strings together a lot of words.

hey you, where did you assume that the @teukuwahyudi account was mine? you like cheating..hey you're Thai..that's my friend's @teukuwahyudi account. not mine. you are too bad to judge something from your eyes... you say plagiarism? hey you are too smart to look stupid. at first you said that the museum was not in aceh? hey you come to aceh..see for yourself with your own eyes..there is no aceh museum here. because aceh is the name of a tribe or area not the name of a museum. you're just assuming. and your assumptions are too bad to judge. you come to aceh. I'm waiting for you here. to be clear. you like to twist the facts. a liar who strings together a lot of words.

Crawl back to your own blog and get off mine

you don't need to kick me out. I know what I will do. your blog is very useless. despite the many votes. but all voting from the results of blocking other people's accounts. you are very good at making articles from the results of blocking and creating hostility with other people's accounts. congratulations with the results of the illegal money you get.

Ease of flowering and can be. You have created a very beautiful garden for your possibilities. It is necessary to applaud whether this could be your mother-in-law. good luck with your effort