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RE: Mini May Update - Brisbane Urban Farm Start Up - Invasive Herbs and going behind the dreaded SHED

in HiveGarden2 years ago

I hear you on the mint!
Behind the shed is tricky because of the slope. You need a plant that can stabilise the soil and also tolerate partial shade and sun. Alternatively, you would have to build a couple of rows of little terraces and be aware that it will be dry at the top. I ended up with that in my vegetable garden which slopes too and it is on 3 levels and I grow succulents in the top third and vegetables at the bottom. Vegetables failed to thrive on the top but the succulents are happy


great create more work for me :-), I agree this is actually what I was thinking of doing re terracing...just a question of what to put in!

 2 years ago  

Yes, we have thought about putting in a retaining wall in the retaining wall :-) Just more work for poor @azthal. But yes @nikv it is a solid suggestion. Perhaps some natives at the top too? less water hungry.

I just don't want to go behind there much... its freaky.. lol... its a big shed.

 2 years ago  

For succulents, your local mesemb family, I think its called pig-face - and the fruit could be edible too, like some of the carpobrotus species here.

The more you go behind the shed, the more normal it will seem 😁

 2 years ago  

Yes you are right... the more i go down there.... yikes.. but still... i'm not an enclosed space person... lol... see how we go... the long narrow path (1 foot wide) down there is a worry. lol.

I will be having a look at succulents soon. My daughter has asked for them as presents at her birthday party... the poor mothers are a bit confused i think... all except one mum who keeps a garden menagerie who is very happy at her choices not to polute the world with more Barbie dolls. lol

 2 years ago  

very happy at her choices not to polute the world with more Barbie dolls


 2 years ago  

lol... we have many .... i'm sure she will get many... but one less useless plastic thing replaced with a plant is a start. Don't get me started on plastic packaging. you might not here me stop.

 2 years ago  

Indeed... mint is a tricky devil. But the oregano is surprisingly worse / just as bad. They get everywhere unless you fix it daily... i don't have time for that!! Thanks for stopping by!