Mini May Update - Brisbane Urban Farm Start Up - Invasive Herbs and going behind the dreaded SHED

in HiveGarden2 years ago

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I don't normally do two videos in a month... but have decided to do another one as i plan on doing a few more in the future and documenting our journey on our Urban Farm

we are planning on:

growing lots of fruit and veges
Lots of bee friendly flowers
Native Australian plants
all the plants.. lol
Chickens (coop is in progress)
worm farm
and mealworms for the chickens

This little video is about the invastive herbs we keep in pots and are NOT going in the garden ever.. lol

also i go behind the shed for the first time. I have NEVER been down there and had no idea there was anyting behind there at all..

We also catch a grasshopper for @bobaphet who wanted to know how on earth we do it... lol

actually they are slower in the morning and sundown.. but anyway... @azthal has caught a few.

thanks for watching folks

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 2 years ago  

I hear you on the mint!
Behind the shed is tricky because of the slope. You need a plant that can stabilise the soil and also tolerate partial shade and sun. Alternatively, you would have to build a couple of rows of little terraces and be aware that it will be dry at the top. I ended up with that in my vegetable garden which slopes too and it is on 3 levels and I grow succulents in the top third and vegetables at the bottom. Vegetables failed to thrive on the top but the succulents are happy

great create more work for me :-), I agree this is actually what I was thinking of doing re terracing...just a question of what to put in!

 2 years ago  

Yes, we have thought about putting in a retaining wall in the retaining wall :-) Just more work for poor @azthal. But yes @nikv it is a solid suggestion. Perhaps some natives at the top too? less water hungry.

I just don't want to go behind there much... its freaky.. lol... its a big shed.

 2 years ago  

For succulents, your local mesemb family, I think its called pig-face - and the fruit could be edible too, like some of the carpobrotus species here.

The more you go behind the shed, the more normal it will seem 😁

 2 years ago  

Yes you are right... the more i go down there.... yikes.. but still... i'm not an enclosed space person... lol... see how we go... the long narrow path (1 foot wide) down there is a worry. lol.

I will be having a look at succulents soon. My daughter has asked for them as presents at her birthday party... the poor mothers are a bit confused i think... all except one mum who keeps a garden menagerie who is very happy at her choices not to polute the world with more Barbie dolls. lol

 2 years ago  

very happy at her choices not to polute the world with more Barbie dolls


 2 years ago  

lol... we have many .... i'm sure she will get many... but one less useless plastic thing replaced with a plant is a start. Don't get me started on plastic packaging. you might not here me stop.

 2 years ago  

Indeed... mint is a tricky devil. But the oregano is surprisingly worse / just as bad. They get everywhere unless you fix it daily... i don't have time for that!! Thanks for stopping by!

 2 years ago  

Those large pots of yours are exactly what I need, thank you because you gave me the idea that I could also buy the same. I need those kind of pots because the soil in my garden becomes soaking wet for 3-5 months when the rice farming season comes.

 2 years ago  

Oh I'd love to know about how to grow meal worms! I'm at work composing the Garden Journal wrap up so I can't disturb class by watching the video - sorry!!! I'll try to watch it later if I get a chance. So many entries this week. For the record, can you please do written posts for the #gardenjournal as it's so much easier for me that way? No issue with the video at all = I'm disappointed not to be able to see or view what's going on, that's all! Much green garden love - I'm so dying to see what's behind the shed now!

 2 years ago  

Lol... sure i can do a written one as well... it was on the cards.... just not done yet :-)

Meal worms. Apparently its a BIG thing.. watching lots of videos on mealworm farming and its fascinating. A bit complicated... but interesting..

we have ours in a small kmart drawer thing in the office.. lol They have just started turning into pupae
super exciting.

I'll stop cleaning the house (no biggie) lol and write a post up for you now

 2 years ago  

@riverflows the text version has been posted for you :-)

gosh it took AGES to write. lol... sorry its a long one.. lots going on.


 2 years ago  

Oh gosh honey you didn't ahve to do t hat - I ffeel terrible now!

 2 years ago  

lol... if you were able to WATCH the video... i say several times that i am doing a text version too for those that don't want to watch it :-) so don't you worry a little tiny bit about it. besides... I might get some HP from it :-) its a good record of what we are doing. So much to go.

no worries at all. As you can see... lots been going on. Jolly storm is causing havoc though

 2 years ago  

oh gosh !!!!! I FORGOT THE MEALWORMS...

will post about it later... lol