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RE: Garden Journal - September 2022

in HiveGarden2 years ago (edited)

Yes, the tomatoes always go overboard. I have learned to dump them in the freezer and use them in cooking and they last right through winter although I did hear you say you are going on a road trip. Yeah, harvesting courgettes early also reduces the amount, they are something that also goes overboard. Fewer potatoes, I see 😁... and it seems I'll need my phone to post potato emojis so Imma stop there

 2 years ago  

I wanted to do that, then I got reminded they would probably lose their tastes.
Who know maybe there will be some left when we visit home in 3 weeks, to check how everything is growing.

Fewer potatoes, I see 😁

I actually left some in the ground ready to be harvested, apparently they can last the whole winter in the ground, and I didn't have time to harvest it all while preparing for the road trip.

Gimme all your potato emojis you got hahah