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RE: Garden Journal Community Engagement: Win Hive!

in HiveGarden2 years ago

How lovely to have been included here!

I'm here for the comradery, the knowledge, the support, the warm and fuzzies. It is a great community for all those. And yes, to stretch my imaginings of what can be, what is in other places.

I love it when it pours, and I have no choice but to let the garden be. I know the next day, there will be abundance!


There's definitely much more of a special shared 'something' on Hive that enables connection - I guess shared values really do count for a lot!!

Right now I can hear the frog's chorus on a rainy, warm, full-moon tropical night and yes, there will be abundance tomorrow.

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

I find it so satisfying when it's pouring!