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RE: Gardenjournal: My Garden Journey

in HiveGarden2 months ago

This is a great intro to Hive garden post, so welcome welcome welcome!

You have yourself some Japanese knotweed there. Super invasive, although birds love the seeds in the fall. More good news is that it is edible when this young, tastes like a bit like asparagus. I would try cutting every single one of those off as soon as they come up, and boil some up for dinner. Look for some images of it very young to be sure that's what it is. I'll bet it's growing behind that fence, because it makes large patches, can grow to 20 feet high, too. It has medicinal value, especially for Lyme disease, just so you know, but it wipes out anything in its path.

Very nice post! Thank you for joining us.


Thank you @owasco!

I appreciate the information on the Japanese knotweed. It's certainly invasive and grows the way you say, very tall and in large patches. I am not sure if I'll be able to keep it completely out of the garden this year.

Hopefully I'll enjoy how they taste at the very least. I'll have lots that I can eat with how much is growing back there lol.

Thank you for the compliment regarding my entry, I look forward to learning from this community and will be trying new things like the electroculture as well.

I agree @owasco that is very useful information, I will keep my eye out for it... god knows I have a lot of crap always coming up in my garden