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RE: The Weekly #CreativeGarden Challenge!

in HiveGarden7 months ago

I HAVE GOT THIS! But I'm a tad confused - are you requiring 5/7/5? And isn't it Thursday?

you have hadrianwild as the beneficiary on this post. is that on purpose maybe it's none of my business

 7 months ago  

It's really not my day.

 7 months ago  

Again and again, I am so sorry I dropped the ball on curating these creative garden posts! I'm always overwhelmed myself this time of year; I can't imagine how you are still getting so much done. I cannot access discord at this time either (new computer for a tech-challenged little old lady). I see you sent me a message there. How's your father?

 7 months ago  

Actually, it's Friday in Australia, which is the boss woman's time zone and thus the only time that exists in her mind. Either way, more time.

Three posts were meant to go out this weekend - a triple whammy which happens when the dates line up and perplex @riverflows - the InLeo voting, the Garden Journal for Dec 1, and this one.

@hadrianwild will have to be the nice guy he is and send on the rewards half half to @sofs-su and @iskawrites, or back to @gardenhive so we can send them on. Sorry, @hadrianwild.

Please pour @riverflows a garden mojito. She's dying over here.

No problem! Although please don’t be shy about reminding me when the time comes.

I actually had something almost ready for this week but I can just make it a normal post and add more photos.

Sorry, I don’t know how to make a mojito but cheers!

 7 months ago  

Thanks ever so much -- I'll remind you next week. Mojito - lots of garden mint, white rum, lime and soda. Hold the sugar for me. xx

I just got the rewards for this contest of 1.555HBD and 4.264HP. I can send on the HBD no problem but I can’t send HP, can I? I have almost no Hive so do I need to power down some HP? But that will take a while… I’m new at this, instructions welcome. I could cover it by withdrawing some savings and transfering to Hive, or sending all as HBD?

 7 months ago  

You can send either HBD or HIVE if it's in your wallet and not powered up. You shoudl see the 'send' button in either wallet. Thanks for doing this @hadrianwild!

 7 months ago  

OHHHH I see - it got powered up straight away. I see. Sorry. Look forget it - just send them half the HBD each, and I'll cover the HIVE. I have more than you and it's my dumb mistake, so it's all good! xx

That's generous, thanks. I'll return it to you whenever I get enough non-HP, just to keep things tidy.

 7 months ago  

@iskawrites @sofs-su - and I have just sent the HBD balance that took a detour through me 🙂

Thank you very much 🙏🏿

Thank you @riverflows. I appreciate 😍

Goodness me! The trigger-happy person and @riverflows, are they one and the same so I will know who really needs this mojito? 😁

 7 months ago  

WE both do, so that's two mojitos please!