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RE: Day One Of My Garden

in HiveGarden2 months ago

I love the "if it grows all year, we should be eating it all year" idea. Parsley for sure, mine was only unavailable for two months here, not far from where @futuremind lives. ong

I've gotten very fond of dandelion root this year. Fresh, lightly cooked, it's very good! I let my dandelions go to attract early bees and pollinators, so I have a ton of the stuff. I think we could eat that year round too, as long as we could dig it out of the frozen ground.


Dandelion root sounds interesting. I am not sure if I've ever heard of eating it like this. Really cool!

 2 months ago  

It's actually very good, kind of like a carrot. Everywhere!

 2 months ago  

Excellent reminder for me there. Have been letting dandelions do their thing in my garden for the last few years after planting a bunch there to get them started. And until now i've not used them for anything except salad leaves. Looking forward to trying something new 🙏

 2 months ago  

You are the only other person I know who encourages dandelions. They put on quite a show in the spring! I love everything about them. Those that come up in my raised beds are very easy to harvest. Today I plan to make a wild leek and dandelion root soup, with other stuff of course, because I can't control myself in the kitchen.