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RE: Share Your Seasonal Photo and Win Hive

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Here is a photo from last weekends trip to Stony Brook State Park, maybe an hour or so from the Canadian border in central\Western New York, bigger post on that forthcoming... But this one I thought captured the theme, as there are just a few turned leaves on the ground And plenty still on the trees. Summer technically ends in another week or so, but we've had that "fall evening" feel for a couple weeks now in the Midwest.... It's coming 😢 ❄️


 2 years ago  

Oh boy, so you are noticing those chilly nights also, that's when I know fall is here. I know it's only a matter of time when all my flowers will catch the chill and curl up and die. I always feel a little sad when I wake up to see all those big, gorgeous bouquets dying.
Until next year. I am looking forward to the trees showing off their good stuff very soon, we have a few starting to change already.
Great pix by the way.

 2 years ago  

Ooh, I can just feel the cool air rising from the water and see the golden leaves loosening from the trees to float in the water below! Funny how the season change lasts for quite some time before SEEMING to arrive quickly! Thanks for sharing! And don't forget to come back and engage with others who have joined in this conversation too xx

I just passed through NY on the way home to Vermont. Fall is definitely coming soon. Some of our maples are starting to turn already 🍁

There's something about a natural body of water that brings calmness and tranquility. 🎶

That really captures the Fall feel. What a beautiful place! Although I guess it's freezing that water looks inviting.....

The water was too cold for me!

I absolutely adore fall hikes, and this makes me excited for some exploring in the season to come! We're a bit behind you down here in Atlanta, but that crisp weather will hopefully come soon!

The river is so perfectly beautiful...
thank you for sharing this image 🤩

 2 years ago  

Lovely photo. That is the one thing I miss about the seasons change in North America - it changing leaves can be so dramatically beautiful with a wider array of colors than what I have seen in this part of Europe.