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RE: I made such a disaster in the garden. #GardenJournal The spring is nearly over.

in HiveGarden3 years ago

I hope you felt better for being out in the garden. I know what you mean about eating too much and not doing much - it's never good for the soul though sometimes we need to just zone out. I always feel better when I'm in the garden.

I hate platning little fiddly basil seeds - I do the same thing and make a mess and kill half of them haha. But my basil is really going for it at the moment and tastes delicous, so it was worth it.


Yes yes! Exactly. I still have to develop some kind of technique in the garden because although I love to work on it, sometimes I take such amateur choices that end up affecting negatively the plants. But anyway I don't regret doing anything because that is how we learn, by making things and mistakes.
I am trying to reconnect and come back to my focus, thank you very much for your wish. Regards and hugs @riverflows