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RE: Retrospective & Last Harvest Of The Year

in HiveGarden β€’ 2 years ago

it's another farmer, way more experimented than me haha

And he has his clothes on πŸ˜‚

Sounds like the heat and hornets took their toll. Here it's rain, rain, rain and rabbits and slater bugs. Not an easy time, growing food! Let's hope next season better xx

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Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

And he has his clothes on πŸ˜‚

I don't like clothes, I don't like shoes, sue me πŸ˜„

Here it's rain, rain, rain and rabbits and slater bugs

Me: I am sure she is exagarating...



It's looking good on Friday though, and these temps are warming up a little.

Let's hope next season better xx

Good or bad let's hope there's a next season, I really like this show. πŸ™ƒ (yes, ending up with a classy metaphor on life).