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RE: July Garden Journal Challenge! -CLOSED THANKYOU

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Like a really bad cold or flu yeah. We had to take the jab or we couldn't work and we didnt' have the luxury some might to NOT work. I just presume it keeps us from ICU which is fine by us. Everyone will get it eventually, it's hard to avoid. Just do what you can for your immune system I suppose! I'm not dead yet, though Jarrah did say he was waitign for his inheritance...

 2 years ago  

I'm not dead yet, though Jarrah did say he was waitign for his inheritance...

HAhahahaha if I say that to mom I'd be the one into the grave!
Best we can do is be healthy, the best precaution ever.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Hahaha Jarrah has the best sense of humour - it took him seconds to quip back at me too.


Of course, I replied 'what fucking inheritance' and 'no homemade chilli sauce for you'.

 2 years ago  

Tell him all the Landies are going to a friend in Brazil - Hah, take that Jarrah!