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RE: Zero budget electroculture: getting started with spirals, Lakhovsky coils & more πŸ’‘

in HiveGarden β€’ last year

Great to interact with you here! And my gratitude for your lovely message.

Something @sebcam and I used to say back in our London days "knowledge is knowing it, wisdom is doing it."

But unlike back then I am blessed now to be living the kind of life which permits me the time to build earth batteries & electroculture spirals! More importantly however my life here in France facilitates a free flow of energy and thoughts which always seem to lead me somewhere amazing. Thank goodness I have this place to share what I have learned without fear of censorship!

Super interesting to hear about your wife's experience with the Lakhovsky coil. Am curious to know exactly where you placed the magnets and how you attached them?

For your upcoming free energy/battery project I recommend you check out this document and instead of using a box, see if you can dig the unit into the ground. I realise you have snow now so that may be tricky, but the bottom line is that you will get a higher output when it is in the ground. Particularly if you align the cells with north/south.

I am still waiting for red lacquer paint to arrive before I can complete experiment number 1 in that document. But as they point out, this is only for learning purposes and if you want more amperage (which generally speaking we do need) you should focus on experiment number 3. Or, if you still need more power, you can make a capacitor! I am building up to that, stage by stage, taking it slow so that I may learn as much as I can on this journey.

Do please let me know (by dropping a message under my latest post, whatever that may be) when you have charged that battery! Would love to see. You will probably reach this point before me because I have fallen for Electroculture in a big way and my focus will be on this for the next few months, gearing up for the spring. I have two pieces of land here, but I may even look for a third specifically for this...

All the best to you my friend.

Had to look up the definition of In Lak'ech and I love it!

Indeed, we are ONE :)

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Thank you for a lovely reply, i really appreciate it, and will look into the doc you sent....if you have any other pdfs like that please let me know, i like to keep the stuff like that offline....just in case you know:)
I will have some spare time during Christmas period so will put my hands on them and couple of other things..they are so interesting, i will defo let you know how it you think that temperature has any effect on that? cos if doesnt that would be great...
In relation to my wife bracelet - its a molded solid piece of copper with magnets fit in(in believe there is some glue in there) there is also some mineral - lost leaflet for it so cant tell you - but in general magnets and that mineral should produce negative ions which are very beneficial for wife is away for the moment so cant give you any photos but if you search for magnetic copper bracelet you will get an idea how it is done - they are not big, dont thing size matter that much, i think its more about the magnetic field they produce and influence your blood stream...

One other observation - i planted couple of pampas grass in our garden, all at the same time grown from seed, my wife put a sort of support structure that looks like the one you showed in your photos the square one - whn i think about it now it starting make sense - the grass in that structure is already in flower and much bigger than other ones.....never thought it might be because of the structure but hey we learn something new everyday.....

So thanks again and indeed In Lak'ech brother!
