Autumn Field Update

in HiveGarden β€’ 8 months ago

Hello everyone! πŸ†πŸŒ±πŸ…πŸ₯•

I can't believe it's been a month since my last post Harvesting time in the HiveGarden community. This time really flies by, especially as summer is coming to an end.


And with the end of summer, the era of summer vegetables is over. It's gone. Tomatoes remained green, got sick, turned brown, and fell off.
Courgettes and cucumbers have blossomed and disappeared, and peppers and eggplants are small and no longer growing anywhere.


Autumn and winter vegetables are on the agenda.
We have already cleared the area where the potatoes were planted and beetroot (a little less), and turnips (a little more) are now growing there.







Speaking of potatoes, I'm not satisfied, although there were plenty of them. It is now in crates, dry and in the dark, but it's still rotting and it's necessary to remove the rotten tubers from the crates every few days :(



The other autumn vegetables we sowed at the end of August are growing well. Brussels sprouts, cone chicory, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, and andivia lettuce.








There are also a few pumpkins left to pick.







Almost all the chillies are ripe too, this will be the second round, I've already made the sauce from the first round and I've put some of them in olive oil.
(Post will be ASAP πŸ˜€)

I am happy about these, Habanero chocolate, there was only one before. These are really good.






I picked up everything



The corn was a disappointment in the end, we ate a few young cobs in the summer and the rest was like this photo.



A couple of days ago I started to clean up the leftover corn.












Garlic will be planted here shortly to mature until next spring.
Last autumn we planted some garlic and it was much better than the bought garlic (Chinese, Spanish, or Slovenian which is even more expensive) from local shops.
So I loosened the soil, even though it was a little damp, with a motor cultivator.




Finally, I cleaned up the leftover tomatoes and saved the wooden bars for next year.





I have some green beans left, which are slowly collapsing (in the top left corner of the photo). I will save these bars for next year too.


In short, there's all the work you want. I will continue this cleaning until the first rain, which is forecast for the weekend...

And finally, the insects that love to eat my chicory and lettuce :(

That's it for now, I'll report back when there's something new.

Thanks for your attention.


That's my eight post this year about how I got into gardening, and my third in the HiveGarden community.
For those of you who are more interested in my farming and gardening, here are links to my previous posts where I explain how it all started.

Harvesting time, Wet Soils And Potato Focus, News From The Field, Changes In The Field, Almost everything is planted, Update - ploughing and planting potatoes, First job in the field - cleaning.

πŸ“· 😎 πŸ“·

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Great update, good to see your haul of chillies and potatoes. Amazing you can get so much from the land there. Still lots of work to do though?

Lots of work? What do I know. You have to be there every day during the season. If you go to the seaside like I do, it's all overgrown :)
If you want to have everything organic then you have a lot of weeds and insects and you work mainly with your hands, nothing industrial.
On the other hand, when I go there I don't think about anything, I empty my head of everything :)

Cool, I imagine it is quite a bit of work too. It will be interesting to see how your winter crops do.

One of the things I really aim is to have a garden in my house years in the future. Harvesting fresh product will be great

That was my aim, too, five or six years ago and I got the field where I garden. And I know what I eat. :)

Yea that is great. You certainly planned for the future

When I started, I didn't even think about it. But now it seems like a good decision.

Wow 😯 fantastic harvest. I never tried to grow winter varieties

Try Andivia lettuce, it's a sort of green salad. !LUV

Ah is it Endivien probably Hmmm I love it. Good Idea πŸ™‚

Yesss, Endivien, winter lettuce, :) :)

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Β 8 months agoΒ Β 

This one is huge, how many kilos is it?

This is muscatto pumpkin, it needs to become red color a few weeks after you pick it. This one have about 6 kilos :)

Β 8 months agoΒ Β 

I see, thank you for the response and have a nice day ahead.

Just look at how your plants are many and that's one reason I am even planning to have a garden
I really want to have and take it as a job

As I mentioned somewhere, I've been working in this field for about six years now, and every year the yields are better, but not everything grows. Last year there was a lot of maize and fewer potatoes, this year the opposite. I treat it more as a hobby than a real thing, but I do relax, although sometimes it is a lot of work, especially with the weeds, because we don't treat it with anything.
But I can't imagine it being my main job in life...

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I really like looking at your pumpkins. there is no type of pumpkin in my area

But are you sure they wouldn't grow? These orange ones are Hokkaido, originally from Japan, and as far as I know, they grow almost everywhere.

Good morning
Just was thinking this we need to take our potatoes out earth.
And Had to think about yours, rotting so much!
Better use a wooden Box?
Have a great day 😘