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RE: My Thriving Garden

in HiveGarden3 years ago

I loved the garden planning 😍. I tried this complicated software one year - a boon, I guess to heavy-duty gardeners with large plots - but I found I would rather spend the time ... gardening 😂. I have a plain paper garden journel that I keep drawings and notes in now.

The raspberries look lovely, I've decided to invest in some some fruit canes next summer. We have very good local deliveries of organic fruit and vegetables every week, so I can concentrate on the more exotic and expensive items in the garden.

 3 years ago  

Thank you! It's good to keep it simple.
Yes! You should definitely get some raspberries! Just make sure you put them in a spot they will be able to call their own! They can grow and spread a lot.

 3 years ago  

They can grow and spread a lot

Good advice - thank you 🙂