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RE: Please, no more frost!

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Off doesn't seem to work very well here on ticks, but I have tried it. They hate the sulphur though.

We do have lyme disease here, but I don't leave them unmolested long enough for a good bite. It takes a day or more for them to really latch on to feed, but most are off before they can bite at all. Where they do bite, I made a special tool to remove them safely...pulls everything out in one shot!

My dogs haven't been out there yet, but when they do, I'll watch them carefully!



We don't have lime disease, but we do have ticks. I give my dog a flea and tick med in the Summer months. Sometimes in the Winter months too. Poor baby had fleas bad one year and he went outside in the Winter to freeze them off. We had to flea bomb the house!

They are a pain for sure! I Hate fleas, and they love to bite me. I have flea pills coming for the dogs. In the mean time, I'm flea combing them, and dumping the fleas I find into soapy water! They sink like a rock....


Fleas are definitely the worst. They itch worse than mosquitos!

So far, they haven't grown enough to leave the dog...but they'll be dead soon!

Should be dead in 30 minutes after they get the pills.
